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Author Topic: JP8V Vs Jupiter 8 differences (mp3s)  (Read 4916 times)


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JP8V Vs Jupiter 8 differences (mp3s)
« on: February 21, 2008, 02:14:49 am »
I got hold of these Jupiter 8V Vs real Jupiter 8 demos some time ago, and in the first example it shows the difference between the two when using eachs "Unison" mode..
The 8V plays first followed by the real Jupiter 8...
Theres a very big difference between the two, and as i've heard it mentioned a number of times, the real magic of the Jupiter 8 lies in its unison mode.
Arturia, will you be addressing this obvious major difference with the 8V, so it sounds closer the real thing?
This second example I picked up shows single sounds, and two further unison sounds right at the end. The 8V sounds much better in the single sounds, but again falls down on the unison examples..
Is anyone else able to add any further 8V Vs Jupiter 8 mp3s?


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JP8V Vs Jupiter 8 differences (mp3s)
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2008, 12:01:36 am »
I prefer the sound of the first one to be honest! Also there is reverb on the examples so its abit hard to know.

Also, I think there was a bug mention in the sound on sound review about the phase of the oscillators, which could have an effect on the unison samples.

All in all, both sound like synths I would like to have and if one is 2000 Euro and the other is 200, I think I would go for the 8V.


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