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Author Topic: Bad news?  (Read 37717 times)


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Bad news?
« Reply #30 on: February 14, 2008, 01:47:35 am »
"been nowhere and have done nothing"

I went to post box earlier today and took in the mail.
Not as impressive as your dinner party though :(

Don't take yourself or anyone else too serious :lol:


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« Reply #31 on: February 15, 2008, 02:54:20 am »
Quote from: "fin"
"been nowhere and have done nothing"

I went to post box earlier today and took in the mail.
Not as impressive as your dinner party though :(

Don't take yourself or anyone else too serious :lol:

Dinner party? Dude - I spent a few years as a student and several more as half of a two-man shop next to the man that was the genesis of the synthesizer industry. The dinner party was the least of it. Don't belittle me and then try to play it off by making a flippant remark. If you haven't learned enough about this world to show even the thinnest veneer of respect to others, you're not going to get much further than the mailbox. And believe me - no one takes an anonymous nobody seriously. So you don't need to crawl back into the thread to show how clever you are. We got that already from your erudicious posts that spring from your font of knowledge between trips to the post box. Good bye. Troll.
Houston Haynes


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« Reply #32 on: February 27, 2008, 10:30:39 am »
Quote from: "HoustonH"
I'm working on the final touches to the user manual and will do some beta testing and probably a few demos while I'm at it.

That was nearly a month ago.
Any feedback?
Any demos so far?


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« Reply #33 on: February 27, 2008, 11:34:30 am »
pip pip pip ... piiip piiip piiiip ... pip pip pip


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« Reply #34 on: February 27, 2008, 03:05:58 pm »
Quote from: "DeFrigge"
Quote from: "HoustonH"
I'm working on the final touches to the user manual and will do some beta testing and probably a few demos while I'm at it.

That was nearly a month ago.
Any feedback?
Any demos so far?

Sorry guys - believe it or not, this isn't my only project. I was hoping to get something done this weekend, but the real world intervened and another weekend slipped by.

As I said in the KVR forum:
I've had the pleasure of working with a prototype Origin unit for a few weeks now. The main task for me is to complete a section of the user manual that focuses on the software "pages" that are displayed through the LCD interface. The real beauty of this is the level of integration between the firmware and the front-panel controls. It's difficult to get that across here without getting into a overabundance of detail, but I'll just summarize by saying it's extremely well thought out.

And while I'm here, I've got to say that this is a spectacular sounding synth. I have to get approval in order to go into more detail, but I think that when they get around to publishing some detailed audio demos then you'll be able to hear what I'm talking about without me gushing ad nauseum in text. An mp3 is worth a thousand words and all that.  

That said, I think that a bit of video capture on the tweakability of this synth is in order. The videos on their site do a good job of showing some of the "primitive operations", but it's the synergy of this synth that makes is really shine. Hopefully they'll get around to doing some of that work - or - will approve me to do some video walkthroughs at some point. I'm sure that will be after the draft of the manual is done, but it's something I'm really eager to do, so I hope there's a chance to show off the Origin sooner rather than later.

If I can find the time (and complete the draft for most of the manual section I'm working on now) I'll try to do a few things this weekend. However, there's a lot of dimension and depth to this axe, and finding the right way to put into printed word the breadth and scope of its myriad functions is not a trivial task. I'm still discovering this synth - and quite frankly that process of finding out all of the things they've done (and done so well) is an incredibly enjoyable but somewhat time consuming process.

And quite frankly, it's possible that I could get knocked out of the box again this weekend. That's life. Last weekend my motorcycle was broken into (it's a Suzuki Burgman 650 with lots of open and lockable compartments) and I lost most of the day Saturday making reports with the police and filing a claim with insurance and the property owner where we rent our apartment. On Sunday we had a film director over to our house for a meeting with my wife on a series of projects, and I managed to do some demos for him in the studio and am now attached to do sound design, score and final mix for a slate of films.

Believe it or not, these things take precedence over your desire for an mp3 to scrutinize.

Houston Haynes


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« Reply #35 on: February 27, 2008, 08:17:33 pm »
Well, it was your offer, and I'm just asking about a month later what became of it...

Seems everything connected to Arturia gets into the slow motion zone for many different reasons, but surprisingly always with the exact same result guaranteed ;-)

I'll leave this forum soon and get myself gear which is part of the real world. Next time I will even ask for any Arturia gear will be one or rather two years later, no matter what they do in the meantime. Life is too much fun for this out-of-controld-dimension of postponing endlessly...


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« Reply #36 on: February 27, 2008, 11:21:44 pm »
Dude - whatever. You aren't the tail that wags the dog. I've said this already. If you have a need and there's a synth out there that satisfies it, go for it. There are plenty of people out there who are more than happy to wait for Arturia to get it right. There are countless posts on the internet where some poor soul says "Boy I sure wish I had waited to buy *synth B* . Now that I have *synth A* I regret it."


 You may be one of those people some day. Think of the people that had to wait more than a year for their Virus TI to work. I'd rather Arturia wait on delivering the instrument or hold back on features  rather than have that nightmare on their hands.

While it's not in production, the Origin certainly exists, and those who wait will not be disappointed. This beast is *so*much more than the plug-ins - it has synergy - greater than the sum of its parts. I'm not going to say that if you're only looking for the plug-ins in hardware form that it's more than you can handle, but I will say that there's a great deal more "under the hood" than boilerplates based on the emulations. Even if it was only that, this instrument would be worth it for the realtime control and effects alone. If you opt to miss out, that's on you.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Houston Haynes


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« Reply #37 on: February 28, 2008, 12:16:31 am »
This synth might have been a welcome addition to my other other gear, but nothing utterly needed and nothing to hold any breath for. We're talking about a nice little variant of subtractive synthesis with interesting modular characteristics, not more and not less. So don't try to talk anyone into kind of seventh synth wonder about something which is just another synth.  ;-)

By the way, I play my Access TI Keyboard quite from the start of delivery, and it certainly didn't take me a year to use it intensively and have a lot of fun with it - lasting until today. The same is true for most TI users I know, so better don't hide behind the TI to justify Arturia's heavy delivery mess: that's quite a poor kind of reasoning. Access *never* treated its customers the way Arturia does, having them hang around endless without anything substantial to offer.

So from my view all your dog and tail talk is just a reflection of pure helplessness after not being able to deliver in any acceptable time. Sure some people will buy the thing when it's finally out, so what? Others will behave like me, buying according to their own rules, and not according to any companies schedule. Perhaps I will even buy it (or something similar or better) in two years, who knows? Just certainly not now with a delivery after March, after all this annoying delivery tango. Again: so what? There's always plenty of choice, and no door ever hit me on any way out, since I'm well able to close doors behind me whenever I want. :-)

Question to the moderator: if I wish to have my user account deleted after Frankfurt Music Fair, that's certainly no problem, is it?


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« Reply #38 on: February 28, 2008, 12:55:32 am »
Quote from: "DeFrigge"
By the way, I play my Access TI Keyboard quite from the start of delivery, and it certainly didn't take me a year to use it intensively and have a lot of fun with it - lasting until today.

Right - but you miss the point - here is states that it was planning ship in December of 2004 - and here is states that it's planning to ship in October 2005.


And to boot - it took them another year or so after that to get their plug-in integration working, and they're still struggling with it today in some configurations.

My point is: no company is immune to delivery delays.

As far as your denegration of the Origin without a single scentilla of knowledge of its architecture, I'll just way "wait and see".


Why wait for MusikMesse to have your account deleted - just stop posting! How hard is that?
Houston Haynes


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« Reply #39 on: February 28, 2008, 01:36:00 am »
Quote from: "HoustonH"

Right - but you miss the point - here is states that it was planning ship in December of 2004 - and here is states that it's planning to ship in October 2005.

I have not forgotten that at all, as everybody considered it a dreadful delay - finally at least staying below a year (and losing customers for that reason). The Origin has exceeded that dreadful time already significantly, and Arturia still hasn't offered any delivery date!
And when it finally comes it nevertheless will hardly be bugfree, rather still show problems not detected by beta testers. Just have a look around in this forum concerning software. ;-)


And to boot - it took them another year or so after that to get their plug-in integration working, and they're still struggling with it today in some configurations.

And that's the point where I contradict, having used the plugin much faster than within a year. Concerning problems with different platforms, that's something completely unavoidable (problems in part being on the side of those platforms), and Arturia surely is among the last to point its fingers to anyone else here, instead profiting from a look at their own support situation here, where not even their dongle solutions seem to work without causing big trouble.  ;-)

My point is: no company is immune to delivery delays.

Yes, and my point stays that Arturia already has its own record of hardware delivery delay, being significantly even beyond the worst Access scenario! And we still have to see how flawless it will work after delivery and should perhaps rather be realistic about that...

As far as your denegration of the Origin without a single scentilla of knowledge of its architecture, I'll just way "wait and see".

The only video of the Origin we have so far is trying to communicate exactly the modular architecture of the synth modules. ;-) It focuses on their feature of being able to use oscillators from one type with filters from another etc. This is still a subtractive synth, just with a lot of modular flexibility, right?


Why wait for MusikMesse to have your account deleted - just stop posting! How hard is that?

Because I will pronounce my opinion crystal clear as long as my deadline for the Origin is running, staying a potential customer exactly as long as I wish.

Afterwards I don't just want to stop posting, but I want my member data to be deleted. Simple as that :-)


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« Reply #40 on: February 28, 2008, 05:32:51 am »
That's an amazing feat of mental gymnastics you just performed - to totally backslide and still try to find a way to pretend that any of your meanderings have merit. Wow that's impressive. Cirque de Soleil must be calling.


Where there's software, there will be bugs. Where there is hardware, there will be delays. No company is more or less prone to those truisms. You can pontificate, bloviate, cajole, rant, complain, dissemble, prop up paper tiger arguments all you want. However, none of that meaningless blather will change the two most salient facts: 1) you don't know what you're talking about when it comes to the Origin, and 2) I do know what I'm talking about when it comes to the Origin.
Houston Haynes


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« Reply #41 on: February 28, 2008, 11:04:53 am »
<humor inside>
Okay boys, that was a nice round.
We could notice the two fighter's different tactics: powerful frontal kick from HoustonH, versus the filthy hook-style from DeFrigge.
</humor inside>

DeFrigge: please never forget it's our very FIRST hardware project... We don't have the full "hardware culture" yet, but the road draws by walking on, and after several years of development we now have a serious technical basis (especially in matter of "things-to-avoid" :wink:).
To stay on the comparison with the clever guys at Access, I would be curious to know how many time they spent and delayed before the first stable release of the Virus.
The upcoming MusikMesse is the last show before the Origin official launch, the Arturia's staff (including me) will be there and pleased to speak with any person willing to know a bit more about this fantastic synth, shall (s)he be "enthusiast" or "opponent". Will YOU be there?

And to answer you question to the moderator: yep, no problem, you may even remain here and share your experience, or even destroy it right after reading this message, it's up to you dude!   :P


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Bad news?
« Reply #42 on: February 28, 2008, 12:21:47 pm »
I understand both sides of the frustration here. I'm keeping the faith - just, I've staved off severe GAS since I sold some synths, saved and banked my money for the Origin (months ago) - We've all been waiting for an eternity and the dates for whatever reason are slipping now to a point where I don't think Arturia have any idea when it will be delivered other than when it's finished.

My best guess for shipping following Antoine comment about the Musikmesse is we have been promised deliver before NAMM 09!

As always with such a antispated and complex project expectations are high, that said to many false dawns have been promised (I'm sure in good faith) and that as a project manager my arse would have been well fried with every deadline being missed by a county mile. I'm off back down to the studio as I'm between jobs and do what I love doing the most making music - for the time being without an Origin sitting on the shelf that's been reserved for over 6 months.
pip pip pip ... piiip piiip piiiip ... pip pip pip


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Bad news?
« Reply #43 on: February 28, 2008, 12:55:20 pm »
Quote from: "Antoine"

The upcoming MusikMesse is the last show before the Origin official launch, P

you mean between musik messe and summer namm? nothing more precise? or is it May (see origin keyboard deliver date thread)? i know you can not gie an exact date and i understand it, but an expected date would be welcome, even if it's changed a little again. thanx  :wink:

Quote from: "HoustonH"

While it's not in production, the Origin certainly exists

 is this statement compatible with what antoine said before (see up) ?

thanx for any more infos guys


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« Reply #44 on: February 28, 2008, 01:31:32 pm »
Quote from: "HoustonH"
No company is more or less prone to those truisms.

No company is free from those problems. But Arturia is not just one of many, but top in the top group of the really desastrous cases, even topping the big TI delivery delay by far. They are not even able to name a delivery date after sigificantly more than a year after presentation. You already were corrected by someone you pointed at with a big finger (see above in this thread), concerning another crooked and exaggerated comparison, and I have to remind you once more to stay with real dimensions and  compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges...

You can pontificate, bloviate, cajole, rant, complain, dissemble, prop up paper tiger arguments all you want. However, none of that meaningless blather will change the two most salient facts:

Yes, I know enough people of the kind becoming offensive very fast when they try to defend a weak position :-)

What is most revealing in this context is your last sentence:
1) you don't know what you're talking about when it comes to the Origin, and 2) I do know what I'm talking about when it comes to the Origin.

These are "the two most salient facts" for what you are doing here? :-)
Let me resume:
- you come here boasting who you are and whom you happened to know and so on...
- you always point at others when someone questions Arturias behaviour for good reasons. Responsibility shifting without end...
- you offer to be helpful youself some weeks ago, instead doing close to *nothing* to give *any* useful input here
- and in the end you return to boasting again about what you know and others don't?

What kind of freak show is that??? I have done a lot of betatesting myself, but I never answered a user outside the beta team in such a pathetic way.

I will not answer to further posts by you.


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