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Author Topic: Very loud Noise Burst Using arp2600, almost blew speakers!!!  (Read 5295 times)


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Very loud Noise Burst Using arp2600, almost blew speakers!!!
« on: October 20, 2007, 12:57:36 am »
Hello All.  I have been experiencing a very loud sound burst out of the arp 2600.  When I load a bass patch specifically MamaBass, sometimes it gets really loud, scary loud.  I thought I blew my speakers at one point.  It happens intermittently and I can reproduce it by loading the fatbass patch and then the mamabass patch.  It overloads my interface so the levels jump all the way up without any input.  I think this is a very dangerous situation and was wondering if anyone else is experiencing this.  I have an octo core mac pro and im running my audio through an apogee rosetta 200.  Im using the stand alone version when this happens.  Any input would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance!


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Very loud Noise Burst Using arp2600, almost blew speakers!!!
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2008, 09:42:27 am »
i have had this also but running as a VST,
there are a couple of presets in the sequence section that have sent my dogs running for cover :lol:
i suggest removing the preset that does it or at least re-nameing it........
something like 'danger!!' would work.....


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Re: Very loud Noise Burst Using arp2600, almost blew speakers!!!
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2009, 11:30:02 am »
the real 2600 was known to blow speakers (tweeters) by a design fault in the dc-offset
probably the patch you mentioned routes voltage/multiplier  to the vca


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Re: Very loud Noise Burst Using arp2600, almost blew speakers!!!
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2010, 07:55:35 pm »
are you using the built in audio interface? or the apogee firewire?

we had the 2600 cause logic to make all sorts of garbled noise when it was using a lynx aurora 16 with a firewire option installed.  Also on a new mac 8 core


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