Hello I have try it only with the demo Version but can it should be that Storm 3 only runs on PPC-Macs?
On my iBook G4 the demo start without error.
But on my Intel-iMac I get the message:
Unhandled Exception in main-Method:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /Applications/Storm 3/Storm3.app/Content/Resources/Java/libmp3decoderjava.jnilib
I think the file "libmp3decoderjava.jinlib" is not a universal Binary.
Yes I know. Storm is a Java-Program but this and other files not java but native files. They must be recompiled for x86.
Because Java Programs donīt run under Rosseta because the JRE on intel-macs is a native x86 JRE.
And there is the problem I Think. The native x86 JRE trys to run a PPC-Compiled jnilib and then boooom

it crashes
Normal Java-Jars and Classes are only compiled in byte code. They run on PPC and x86 JRE. But jnilib files are nativ files.
Now my Question. Is only the demo-version not a Universal Binary or the full Version too?