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Author Topic: Pitch Bend Adjustment Possible?  (Read 6505 times)

Ted Perlman

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Pitch Bend Adjustment Possible?
« on: April 29, 2007, 04:53:21 am »
Just got Analog Factory...finally, after a long, long, long wait.

Installation went flawlessly, as did the install of the update.

Is there a way to change the amount of pitch bend in AF? Either per patch or set to a whole step globally, which is where most instruments default to.

I love all the sound choices - it's great having all my favorites in one place to get to quickly. The CPU hit is much, much lower than the bigger brothers - a good thing indeed  :-)

(I was also happy to notice four of my self-written MiniMg V presets included in there as well)

This company sure makes great sounding instruments, even though their customer-relations and people-skills suck.


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Pitch Bend Adjustment Possible?
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2007, 01:49:05 pm »
Hello Ted,

On most of the synthesizer, the pitch range is one of the parameters of the synths.

As we've got a limited number of available parameters in Analog Factory, and as we didn't choose the pitch range as a mapped parameter in Analog Factory, it's not possible to change it from this plugin.
The pitch range is then set by the original preset and non editable.


Ted Perlman

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Pitch Bend Adjustment Possible?
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2007, 10:58:16 am »
Quote from: "Nicolas"
the pitch range is then set by the original preset and non editable

I always thought that the default pitch bend ranges on the originals were a bit non-realistic. I've found most companies ship their products with a default PB setting of +2/-2.

Is this something that could perhaps be addressable in a future update? Perhaps set a global pitch bend of +2/-2? That would be infinitely more usable than some of the one octave settings in there now.

BTW, the more I use AF the more I am loving it. The library filter function is absolutely brilliant. I suppose I could open up the originals that I own if I want to get deeper with patch editing, but AF is also MUCH MUCH better with CPU usage than ANY of my other Arturia products except MiniMg 5. The others (ARP2600, CS80, Prophet, etc.) make the CPU meter DOUBLE in Nuendo on my dual AMD 4400 on ANY patch. The AF doesn't use up anywhere near those amounts.


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