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Author Topic: CS-80V & Presets  (Read 12461 times)

Mr. Monkeyman

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CS-80V & Presets
« on: November 11, 2003, 11:52:07 am »
CS-80V looks like a winner. I'm definetly getting it. There's just one thing bothering me: How are the presets?

I want instant Toto / ELO (Confusion!) / Vangelis -sounds  :wink:  Does the demo have all the same presets as the full version?


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Re: CS-80V & Presets
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2003, 01:29:29 pm »
presets were no good. no inspiring.

but i'm not disappointed. i understand sound designers.

no one gives all that they have.

mr.monkeyman, dig it your sound by yourself.  :wink:

Mr. Monkeyman

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Re: CS-80V & Presets
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2003, 10:42:07 am »
Hmph... Good presets on a synth like this would be great in assisting marketing. If a fellow like myself tries the demo and is in instant synth-heaven (Ooo, This is it! This is THE sound!), how could I afford myself not to purchase the product?

On the other hand, if the presets are dull and weedy (I'm not saying they are, I haven't tried the demo), it will leave me thinking "is this the best this synth can do?" I've had similar feelings with many soft-synths I've tried out. Some have turned out to be a lot better than their presets, some have not.

BTW: Are all the cheesy CS-80 front panel presets featured in the CS-80V?


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Dissenting Opinion About the Quality of Presets
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2003, 11:53:38 pm »
For what it's worth:

Just took possession of my copy yesterday.

A disagree with the statement that the presets are poor.

I find them more than useful. In fact, several are inspiring ( at least to my ears)


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Re: CS-80V & Presets
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2003, 04:47:24 pm »
Good presets on a synth like this would be great in assisting marketing.

I agree with you sometimes.
but even on the orginal hardware scratch, one would hardly be able to get a real cool sound.

if it was me, for other people I'd rather turn on LP of Vangelis (like See you later(1980), blade runner(1981), spiral(1977)...)
and tell them -"listen my friend, it's the sound of CS80V"

yeah I know that a perfect VA is just a perfect VA.


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« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2003, 06:15:59 pm »
Usually the most useful presets are the least sexy ones. The sounds used by Vangelis, Jarre, Wendy Carlos, Larry Fast, etc. were all very basic sounds. When presented in the context of the songs and mixed with other sounds and melodies, they sound great, full and rich.
Absynth has some beautiful "1 note wonder" presets but most of them are useless or they have such a personality that if someone uses one on an album, it will make everyone else seem like copycats or like they are ripping the other person off. It's like you a bunch of mini ambient songs instead of patches. I'm not baggin on Absynth because I love it. But it needs to tweeked so that it will fit into songs.
If Tangerine Dreams Exit album would haave been popular, everyone would have realized that Michael Jackson's Thriller used the same sound at the beginning. A synth guy who worked on Jackson's album actually took credit for making that sound in Keyboard Magazine when TD had done it a couple of years earlier.
As a sound designer, for the CS-80v, Alesis QS series, on another software synth and for about 200 TV shows, the best sounds are the ones that will layer and play nice with other sounds. I've never found a single sound that work for a car chase scene. You've got to spend time building the sound that works for that specific scene. If someone built a sound library of car chase sounds, it would never fit the job and would be less useful than giving me a library of car sounds that I could assemble. It may sound nice but it would be useless. I try to give people a bunch of flour, sugar, milk, and eggs and allow them to add their own flavors and make their own cake, once in a while I'll throw in a cookie or two to show what the product is also capable of.
I think the CS- 80v has a ton of very useful presets and some good "1 note wonders too". But ultimatley it's up to you to make the cake.


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Attn: GDarcey
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2003, 12:33:49 am »
Hi GDarcey,
Just wanted to let you know that your banks are among my favorites, and I very much hope you post some more presets we can download!



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CS80 presets
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2003, 02:22:59 am »
Thanks Mick I'm glad you like them.

When I'm done with this TV show I'm working on and sounds for this other companies synth, I'll be spending a bunch more time on the CS80V. I have no problem with sharing my sounds with others and will upload presets that  I think are useful or cool.



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« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2003, 04:44:40 am »
That is very generous of you...thanks alot.   :D

Mr. Monkeyman

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CS-80V = CS-80 ?
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2003, 11:18:52 am »
I just wanted to know, whether the presets on the CS-80V contained any of those specific classic CS-80 sounds we've grown to love. (Bladrunner brass, etc.) and thereby offering istant gratification  :)

Oh well, I know have the demo downloaded so I guess I'll find out soon enogh.


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Re: CS-80V = CS-80 ?
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2003, 08:15:23 pm »
Quote from: "Mr. Monkeyman"
I just wanted to know, whether the presets on the CS-80V contained any of those specific classic CS-80 sounds we've grown to love. (Bladrunner brass, etc.) and thereby offering istant gratification  :)

Oh well, I know have the demo downloaded so I guess I'll find out soon enogh.

one word: alaska!!!!!!! :mrgreen:

terry decker "sund0g" ^o.O^
i talk you listen: www.creativesynth.com
you talk i listen: sundog202@yahoo.com


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