andrewcauthen, I came across this because I was looking to tune Analog Lab to 429.8 because that is what my piano is currently tuned to (it just has to be tuned up to 440 over multiple tunings).
I just thought I should tell you that I was on your side of the fence, regarding the 432 tuning concept, but now I am not for one simple reason.
Hertz is just a measurement of cycles over time, where 1 hertz is 1 cycle per second, correct?
Now, our measurement of time is not really scientific. There isn't really a reason to divide up time SPECIFICALLY as we do, we've just all decided to say "24 hours a day, 60 minutes an hour and 60 seconds a minute." It could technically be divided up any other way.
Therefore, saying that one tuning is better, or more in tune with the universe than the other can't make sense. The foundation of how me are measuring the sound, i.e the actual
measurement of the hertz, is scientifically arbitrary.
It could be that there actually are tunings that are more in tune with the universe, but 432 or 444 as you are choosing to put it, because of love are simply not the right place to be looking.
TL,DR: Hertz is arbitrary.
I hope I explained this well enough that it can make sense to you guys. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk everyone