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Author Topic: Analog Lab compatible with any DAW?  (Read 21047 times)


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Analog Lab compatible with any DAW?
« on: February 08, 2014, 12:42:50 pm »
Hi all,

I'm heavily interested in purchasing a product from the Keylab series, which also brings the Analog Lab. Since I do not own any DAWs yet, I thought it wise to ask which are compatible with Analog Lab before I purchase one of those.

So, I have so far seen there is no compatibility yet with Cubase, Studio One or Reason. Can anybody confirm this? And then which DAWs do have the compatibility?

Many thanks in advance. :)


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Re: Analog Lab compatible with any DAW?
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2014, 06:49:24 pm »
You can use one a Keylab as midi controller in FL Studio but not as a piano. Which sucks ass, I'm returning my Keylab and not coming back to Arturia.


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Re: Analog Lab compatible with any DAW?
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2014, 10:24:15 pm »
I am able to use my Analog Experience The Laboratory 49 as a master controller for all of my soft synths within Roland/Cakewalk's Sonar Producer Edition 8, including the Arturia, Dimension Pro, Kontact FM7, PSYNII, Emu's E3 Software sampler (which has plenty of usable piano's), Roland's Real Piano or whatever it's called, and several more.  Some of them configure a bit differently as far as various controllers (Filter/Resonance, etc...) are concerned since they're not relative to the Laboratory global controllers, but the basics like sustain, volume, mod, pitch & all those is normal.  From there, you'd have to assign them as desired in each soft synth.
Bite off more than you can chew, then start chewing. Apple iMac 27-inch 3.4GHz Quad-core i7 (Mid 2011) MC814LL/A RAM:20GB, Hard Drive:1.0TB HDD + 256GB SSD, Opt Drive:SuperDrive-DL,  Vid Card:AMD Radeon HD 6970M, Audio Interface: Avid Fast Track Duo, Midi I/O: Arturia, Analog Exp.The Lab 49, V-Col-5


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Re: Analog Lab compatible with any DAW?
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2014, 11:24:36 am »
I've had pretty much the same experience as TonyFlyingSquirrel here with with the Laboratory 49 and Samplitude ProX but-
this keyboard comes with Analog Laboratory which is the predecessor of Analog Lab, a different animal altogether. I have not bothered to upgrade to Lab since I've heard there were problems and not much advantage. Also the Analog Experience keyboards are different as well so unless you decide to grab one of these from Ebay at a good price, I'm afraid we're not much help with Keylab series issues.
The Laboratory 49 key, Analog Laboratory 1.5.2
Samplitude ProX-

Studio DAW: Win 8x64 /MB GIGABYTE GA-X48-DS5 / Core 2 Quad Q8400 /8GB Ram/  Focusrite Saffire Pro Liquid 56, Focusrite Octopre Dynamic

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Re: Analog Lab compatible with any DAW?
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2014, 04:35:26 pm »
I concur JBM.

Unless I was upgrading hardware and software together, I don't find much of an incentive to upgrade since what I have now is accomplishing what I intended it to.  I'm still on an older HP pc and unless I purchase a new iMac, upgrade from Sonar to the relevant current version of Pro Tools, there's really no need for me to purchase/upgrade from what I have to the current version until I have the other relevant hardware/software to support it to its fullest potential.
Bite off more than you can chew, then start chewing. Apple iMac 27-inch 3.4GHz Quad-core i7 (Mid 2011) MC814LL/A RAM:20GB, Hard Drive:1.0TB HDD + 256GB SSD, Opt Drive:SuperDrive-DL,  Vid Card:AMD Radeon HD 6970M, Audio Interface: Avid Fast Track Duo, Midi I/O: Arturia, Analog Exp.The Lab 49, V-Col-5


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Re: Analog Lab compatible with any DAW?
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2014, 01:06:42 pm »
Sooo, from what I understand, you are discouraging me to purchase Keylab and Analog Lab? That's a pity. It's very powerful in theory, and affordable.


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Re: Analog Lab compatible with any DAW?
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2014, 08:23:23 pm »
Sooo, from what I understand, you are discouraging me to purchase Keylab and Analog Lab? That's a pity. It's very powerful in theory, and affordable.

I'm just posing the questions:

Does what you have now work with what you have?


If I upgrade, does my computer have the resources that will allow my Arturia package to function to its fullest potential?

From there, only you can determine the best next move.
Bite off more than you can chew, then start chewing. Apple iMac 27-inch 3.4GHz Quad-core i7 (Mid 2011) MC814LL/A RAM:20GB, Hard Drive:1.0TB HDD + 256GB SSD, Opt Drive:SuperDrive-DL,  Vid Card:AMD Radeon HD 6970M, Audio Interface: Avid Fast Track Duo, Midi I/O: Arturia, Analog Exp.The Lab 49, V-Col-5


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Re: Analog Lab compatible with any DAW?
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2014, 11:46:09 pm »
First, you should try your original question again in the Analog Lab section and maybe you'll get a better answer.

I think we are just saying that the older keyboards and Laboratory are working pretty well for us.
YMMV as far as the Keylabs with Analog Lab- I personally have no experience with the new gear
AFAIC, I'm very happy with the older gear I paid a lot less $ for- I got my 49 key new with the Analog Laboratory for $250 on ebay 2 months ago. I find the Laboratory software quite lightweight compared to say Independence sampler and runs fine on Samplitude.

If you like the Keylab keyboard, go for it-the 49 and 61 anyway- the 25 has some negative comments. Anyway back to your original question about a DAW- this is the most important choice I think as you wont feel like recording much if you're not happy with the way it works. What do you want to do? Compose? Play Loops??  After you picked out a DAW candidate get on their forum and see what people say about the Arturia software & keyboards- this forum doesn't seem to get much activity yet so maybe not much help. 

If you have a midi controller you could always download the demos of DAW and Analog Lab and find out what happens on your hardware. If the Analog Lab software doesn't work out with your DAW, You might be able to buy the keyboard then get the Analog Laboratory software.
The Laboratory 49 key, Analog Laboratory 1.5.2
Samplitude ProX-

Studio DAW: Win 8x64 /MB GIGABYTE GA-X48-DS5 / Core 2 Quad Q8400 /8GB Ram/  Focusrite Saffire Pro Liquid 56, Focusrite Octopre Dynamic

Remote DAW: 17" Macbook Pro Bootcamp W8x64, I7 2.4, 8GB ram, Focusrite Saffire Pro 24DSP


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Re: Analog Lab compatible with any DAW?
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2014, 04:46:53 pm »
First, you should try your original question again in the Analog Lab section and maybe you'll get a better answer.

I think we are just saying that the older keyboards and Laboratory are working pretty well for us.
YMMV as far as the Keylabs with Analog Lab- I personally have no experience with the new gear
AFAIC, I'm very happy with the older gear I paid a lot less $ for- I got my 49 key new with the Analog Laboratory for $250 on ebay 2 months ago. I find the Laboratory software quite lightweight compared to say Independence sampler and runs fine on Samplitude.

If you like the Keylab keyboard, go for it-the 49 and 61 anyway- the 25 has some negative comments. Anyway back to your original question about a DAW- this is the most important choice I think as you wont feel like recording much if you're not happy with the way it works. What do you want to do? Compose? Play Loops??  After you picked out a DAW candidate get on their forum and see what people say about the Arturia software & keyboards- this forum doesn't seem to get much activity yet so maybe not much help. 

If you have a midi controller you could always download the demos of DAW and Analog Lab and find out what happens on your hardware. If the Analog Lab software doesn't work out with your DAW, You might be able to buy the keyboard then get the Analog Laboratory software.

This +1.

I traded my Alesis QS7 that I had for 15 years for a used The Laboratory 49 Controller/The Analog Experience Software package.

No sooner than I did so, I started seeing info popping up here and there about the new Keylab series.  At first, I was miffed, but as I dug into what I had, which was still far newer than the Alesis that I had defaulted to for so long.  Looking at it this way, I decided to err to the side of contentment.  Is what I have the most current?  No, but it's fare newer than what I have, and it serves my original intended purpose of trading up in the first place.  I love the sounds, I love being able to access them quickly, the way the library is organized, etc...

My scenario works perfectly for me, may not for some.

My one and only beef is that there is not a live person to talk to via the phone when you need immediate answers, which I have already voiced.  That was one area where Alesis and Roland excelled, and still do.  It's an area where Arturia can grow, but I do believe that the potential is there.
Bite off more than you can chew, then start chewing. Apple iMac 27-inch 3.4GHz Quad-core i7 (Mid 2011) MC814LL/A RAM:20GB, Hard Drive:1.0TB HDD + 256GB SSD, Opt Drive:SuperDrive-DL,  Vid Card:AMD Radeon HD 6970M, Audio Interface: Avid Fast Track Duo, Midi I/O: Arturia, Analog Exp.The Lab 49, V-Col-5


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Re: Analog Lab compatible with any DAW?
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2014, 07:34:22 pm »
First, you should try your original question again in the Analog Lab section and maybe you'll get a better answer.

I think we are just saying that the older keyboards and Laboratory are working pretty well for us.
YMMV as far as the Keylabs with Analog Lab- I personally have no experience with the new gear
AFAIC, I'm very happy with the older gear I paid a lot less $ for- I got my 49 key new with the Analog Laboratory for $250 on ebay 2 months ago. I find the Laboratory software quite lightweight compared to say Independence sampler and runs fine on Samplitude.

If you like the Keylab keyboard, go for it-the 49 and 61 anyway- the 25 has some negative comments. Anyway back to your original question about a DAW- this is the most important choice I think as you wont feel like recording much if you're not happy with the way it works. What do you want to do? Compose? Play Loops??  After you picked out a DAW candidate get on their forum and see what people say about the Arturia software & keyboards- this forum doesn't seem to get much activity yet so maybe not much help. 

If you have a midi controller you could always download the demos of DAW and Analog Lab and find out what happens on your hardware. If the Analog Lab software doesn't work out with your DAW, You might be able to buy the keyboard then get the Analog Laboratory software.

Thanks for this reply. It really helps clear my mind.
The situation is that I don't have a MIDI-controller or a DAW in possession, so I'm looking at my very first step into that world. I'll head out to the forums of some DAWs I consider and see what I can find there.

Thanks again, both of you!

aaron aardvark

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Re: Analog Lab compatible with any DAW?
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2014, 06:08:53 am »
Analog Lab works with Cubase L4 for me, except for the joystick/modwheel controls from my hardware Korg (5 octave) keyboard.  I also own an Arturia Factory Experience hardware keyboard, I haven't used it lately because it is only 2 1/2 octaves.


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Re: Analog Lab compatible with any DAW?
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2014, 07:29:44 pm »
Hi, first post here,
I just got the Laboratory AE 61 last friday, did all the software version updates before firing it up in Cubase 5,
and it works on my Windowz 8 rig  :)
Since this is such an old version of Cubase I implemented the 32-bit VST's.
Not sure if the 64-bits would work on a cubase version that saw the light of day in 2007  ???
I'm taking a small Cubase course at the moment, and they gave me a Cubase 7 trial disk.
But since it's all working for me on the old version I'm not sure if I should upgrade at all.
Any thoughts/experiences with the new Cubase are more than welcome :D
Best Regards

Arturia Laboratory 61 AE, V-collection 6, Beatstep, Beatstep Pro, Drumbrute, Bitwig2.1, windows 10


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