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Author Topic: Copy protection?  (Read 9608 times)


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Copy protection?
« on: October 15, 2003, 03:49:51 pm »
Does anyone know if the CS-80V has the same copy protection as the Mg Mod V?  The 80 sounds great, as does the Mg, but having to insert the CD every couple of days just isn't wort the aggravation.




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Copy protection?
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2003, 04:16:25 pm »
I'd like to know the same thing.  Also, is the CS-80v as cpu hungry as the MMV?

Frederic Brun

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CS-80V copyright and protection
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2003, 03:03:22 pm »

Following the comments we have received on the MMV copy protection, we have decided that the CS-80V copy-protection would be less restricting.

The user will have to insert the original CD-Rom only when he imports a new preset-bank, or when he installs an upgrade. We will not ask him to insert his CD-Rom every 20 days as we did for the Mg Modular V.
On the same subject, through a minor upgrade, we will improve the system for the Mg as well.

Concerning the CPU, the CS-80V is hungry like the Mg is. BUT, the CS-80V comes with less oscillators, filters,... So overall, most voices do not take as much as they do on the Mg Modular V.

Frédéric Brun


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Copy protection?
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2003, 07:23:47 am »
That's great news! I understand the need for the copy protection - but it seems like it turned out more unstable than you had planned. If it was indeed only every 20 days, that would be one thing, but it is asking almost every third time I open the plugin on my Mac in OSX, which is frustrating to say the least when your'e ready to go with it :D

Thanks for the great instruments!



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Copy protection?
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2003, 02:26:15 am »
Thrilled to hear you're improving the copy protection system!!!!!!

Oh man, I have to insert my MMV CD much more often than every 20 days! I actually find myself thinking Nevermind, I'll use another synth instead (my DVD/CDR drive is kind of slow to recognize a CD and it JUST BUGS THE HECK OUT OF ME to have to be inserting that CD so often). I tried to create a disk image but I couldn't get it to work (I'm on OSX).


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Copy protection sillyness
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2003, 05:53:17 pm »
Everybody knows that whatever copy protection you put on
the product it will be broken.  It doesn't even take
that long.  When MMV was launched the pirated copies
started circulating shortly after.  From what I've heard
they work just fine and it wasn't that much work to
remove the copy protection either.

The only users that have any real gripes with your copy
protection are your legitimate users.  The ones using
the pirated versions never have to bother with it.  

The irony here is that the more effort you put into
clever protection schemes, the more you screw your
legitimate users over.

I am not sure why you do this.  Do you genuinely think
it reduces the chances of your product being pirated?
Do you have clueless investors or a board consisting of
technologically naive people who demand you incur this
sillyness on your customers.

I bought a hardware synth a few months ago.  Mainly
because I am really, *really* tired of dicking around
with software that is full of copy protection issues,
bugs and horribly optimized code.

And yeah, I work in the software industry too and believe me, there is nothing that pisses me off more than whenever management decides to screw our customers over with this type of bullshit.



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Copy protection?
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2003, 11:40:25 am »
Whatever copy protection you're using, it ain't much. The pirated version was released same day as the retail. Not to mention, the beta was floating around long before that. I feel sorry for you guys, really. The CS is a beautiful piece of software and I know a lot of work had to go into it. Piracy will never end, I suppose. Let's just hope it doesn't impede the development of more synths of this quality. As well as leading to further headaches for legit users. Thanks for what is definitely one of the best, maybe THE best, soft synths yet.


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Copy protection?
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2003, 11:33:57 pm »
a friend dropped a cdr he found with the cracked vertion on my desk...

well, i never opened it, and still PAID in full for my copy of the CS-80V,
Arturia did a wonderfull job, first time I like the sound of a virtual analog !

I would only resourse to use a pirated vertion if there was no demo, or audio demo of a product.... for testing.

Keep in mind some companies out there self release pirated vertions themselves ( not admitting to it ) to get market share and then hit you with the next vertion cost.  I do not think Arturia did this though, because the demo is bloddy good.


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