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Author Topic: AnalogLab works with Reaper but cannot be controlled by minilab  (Read 5137 times)


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AnalogLab works with Reaper but cannot be controlled by minilab
« on: January 09, 2014, 08:09:15 pm »
Background problem: Whenever I restart Analog lab in full mode or when my computer comes back from sleeping, the Minilab keyboard does not function. The sync button in Analog lab does nothing, but if I go into Setup-> Audio Midi Setup...and UNCLICK and RECLICK the checkbox for minilab, it immediately starts working
Does anyone else have this problem?

So. If I bring up Reaper, add a track, add fx...pick analoglab, it comes up fine. I can click the virtual keyboard on the computer and get sounds. However I get nothing from the minilab keyboard. I have going to reaper options->prefs->midi and enabled the minilab controller...nothing.

Any ideas?



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Re: AnalogLab works with Reaper but cannot be controlled by minilab
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2014, 03:41:47 pm »
Im having the same problem with Reaper right now.  AnalogLab vst works fine, but the hardware doesn`t activate anything in the DAW.  Very frustrating!  The thing is, I`m pretty sure it worked before and Im not sure what changed...


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