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Author Topic: Major Update of the Midi remote Script, Ableton + Spark = <3  (Read 26807 times)


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Re: Major Update of the Midi remote Script, Ableton + Spark = <3
« Reply #30 on: February 14, 2014, 01:56:05 pm »
I used it successfully, and I am fairly new to the Midi world. I added the script, selected Sparkle from the Midi preferences in Live as control, input, and output, selected track and remote, and otherwise followed your instructions. Keep up the good work.


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Re: Major Update of the Midi remote Script, Ableton + Spark = <3
« Reply #31 on: February 15, 2014, 08:05:26 pm »
Version 0.5 of the script avaliable here :

many changes for this update !
  • Minor bug fixed
  • button used to change level have been modified : now its the Global, slicer and roller button
  •       -you can modify the volume of a volume button: if you keep the button pressed and rotate the jog wheel, you modify the value of this button
  • Binary counter: je Proj., Kit, and Instr button under the jogwheel are used as a binary counter to know when to launch scene and keep a nice structure
  • Touchpad assignment modified
  •       as before the channel of the touchpad has the value of the pad selected
  •       you can use Filter, Send1/2 and Pan level to change the value of the automation -> 3 * 16 automation possible for the drumpad
« Last Edit: February 15, 2014, 08:26:58 pm by raztua »


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Re: Major Update of the Midi remote Script, Ableton + Spark = <3
« Reply #32 on: February 18, 2014, 12:07:53 pm »
i would like to help to transfer your script to the Spark CDM. i have no experience with python but a lot with MIDI and Max so i should be able to test/monitor whatever you ask me to. but first you should maybe start a new thread to keep things apart?


Judging from your description it seems to me that sparkLE uses the same notes for input (recording midi in live) and output (turning led on / off), e.g. you play pad 1 on the controller, which live sees as Note C-0 with a velocity of 64 (just exemplary values), the same note in turn being send to the controller would result in pad 1 lighting up.

You got it :)

Sorry for the silence, did some testing, managed to light up one of the LEDs on the spark, still not sure why my script didn't work, since I was of the opinion that I already sent all possible midi note combinations.. but whatever.. I think I can make the script work shortly.

This is a good news :)

By the way i have one things to ask :
   -If you make changes on the code, keep a track of all your changes, to allow me to implement your changes on my next updates ( if you know any website or software that allow collaborative coding it would be perfect )

I have seen that your knowledge of python programming is better thant mine, so if you find mistakes, errors, or watever feel free to correct it  8)

Now with the spark it seems a little different. I record the midi event of playing pad 1, live registers the note C#-2 with the given velocity, but sending that same note back to the controller does nothing. Turning on the LED is actually note E-1 with a velocity of 54..

If i understand well, the script might work if you modify the const file, but led wont blink ?
And to get the led blinking we have to get all the velocities of the leds associated to buttons?
We could add a dictionnary on the Const file that link the pad to the led value and then modify the turn_led_on/off function.
what is the message sent to turn a led off. ( the idea is to make a global script for the spark and sparkle, and to uncomment the part of the const file related to the surface used)


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