Hello jmcecil,
To diagnose the problem properly, we need to know what messages are actually sent by your keyboard unit, but I am afraid we can't read it from your video.
Please sent us some messages when turning the Preset knob clock-wise and some messages when turning counter clock-wise
Thanks forward
How do you want me to capture? In absolute mode 114 increments and decrements by 1 in the MIDI monitor plugin placed directly before the plugin. So, for example if the current value is 74 and I turn I rotate the knob left, it goes 73, 72, 71, 70 ... if I rotate to the right it goes 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80 ... however, the Analog Lab just continues on in the current direction until it reaches the end of the list, then it will flip and go in the opposite direction .. again ignoring if the message is increasing or decreasing.