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Author Topic: Wurlitzer V Not Available in Analog Lab/Analog Labaoratory  (Read 6466 times)


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Wurlitzer V Not Available in Analog Lab/Analog Labaoratory
« on: August 24, 2013, 12:49:50 pm »
I see that someone else had this problem, but no response. I have just installed V Collection (had Mini V, Modular V and Analog Lab before that) and, in both Analog Lab and Analog Laboratory all the other plug-ins can be switched on for editing, but Wurlitzer V is shown as "not present" even though it is there in SONAR X2 and standalone. Has anyone else found a fix to this, or will I need to raise a support ticket?


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Re: Wurlitzer V Not Available in Analog Lab/Analog Labaoratory
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2013, 09:26:16 pm »
I had exactly the same problem, and took a look into it now..
I have solved it partly,- in the programfiles (x86) under the folder Arturia - Wurlitzer V, you have some programfiles installed,- the dll-file is normally placed in the VSTplugins folder, but if you see the rest of the instruments in the Arturia-folder, they all have copied the dll-file to its instrumentfolder too.
Now, that went easy with the 32bit version of the Analog Lab, but when I made a folder for the 64bit file, it just wouldn't turn up, so I'm not sure if the Analog detects the file from these folders or the vst-folder, which would be logical,- but it DID change for me when I copied the 32bit dll-file to the Wurlitzer folder.

Hope this helps you solve it on your setup.

So what causes this?
the only thing I can think of is that the wurlitzer doesn't copy the dll-files to the right folders in the installation process, but that's up to the Arturia developers to figure out.
PC with Windows 10 - 64bit., 16gb RAM, IntelCore i7 3770 CPU  3,40ghz.
FL Studio  20 Studio Edition
V-Collection, Pigments, Bazille, Blue2, Eiosis AirEQ, Largo, GO2, Speakerphone, Blade,PolyKB II, Synthix, V+, Matrix, Lector, Minimonsta, Spark VDM, Xils4, Xils5000, OB-XA V, Polymoog, Synthi V, NAVE.


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Re: Wurlitzer V Not Available in Analog Lab/Analog Labaoratory
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2013, 03:05:24 pm »
Sorry about the a bit untidy post,- ofcourse it should have said that you have to copy the dll-file from the vst-folder to the Wurlitzer-folder in the Arturia-folder.
Wurlitzer is the only instrument that hasn't that file in this folder by default, and I can't really see why it turns out this way, but it solved it for me on the 32bit version of the plugin.
PC with Windows 10 - 64bit., 16gb RAM, IntelCore i7 3770 CPU  3,40ghz.
FL Studio  20 Studio Edition
V-Collection, Pigments, Bazille, Blue2, Eiosis AirEQ, Largo, GO2, Speakerphone, Blade,PolyKB II, Synthix, V+, Matrix, Lector, Minimonsta, Spark VDM, Xils4, Xils5000, OB-XA V, Polymoog, Synthi V, NAVE.


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