Dear Pals,
I just purchased an Arturia analog factory 32 MIDI keyboard. Right after connecting that to the computer using a usb cable, the driver got installed (it comes as a plug and play device). The first thing I did was to see if it sent MIDI messages correctly.
So I used MIDI-Ox to check that, and the problem popped up!

All sliders, knobs and wheels worked correctly- but the main part -the piano keyboard is not sending any notes as midi signals- as MIDI-Ox shows.
I re-initialized the device using (-and+) buttons, and it didn't help. The interesting fact is that apparently the piano keys send messages internally, since they are responsive when adjusting the after-touch, that is, pressing any piano key sets the red light to the third LED, but no MIDI note comes out of the device, neither to the computer, nor to my hardware tone generating machine.
Has any of you been experiencing a similar problem or fixed it successfully?
I sincerely appreciate your responses.