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Author Topic: Turned off while in use, now not working correctly  (Read 4260 times)


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Turned off while in use, now not working correctly
« on: August 05, 2013, 12:03:12 am »
I've had my new Keylab 49 for a few days, and it worked perfectly.  Until today, I was using it and had a thought to turn it off while connected to a softsynth in a DAW.  Now, it doesn't seem to be sending midi note messages.  They controller won't sync with the Analog Lab software or trigger any sounds at all.  This is frustrating as it worked fine then I unwittingly changed some setting somewhere that made the whole thing quit working as it had. 

Everything but the keyboard shows its use on the screen.  Since I'm new with it, I don't remember if the screen showed anything when the keys were used.  The keyboard gets power from the USB cable but I can't confirm if anything, midi information, is going through.  In the DAW and plugins there are not many midi options to check or uncheck.   Tried restarting the computer, trying different USB ports, and wiggling cords.

Seeing if anyone had a similar issue and how I might try to resolve it.  Thanks for any help. 


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Re: Turned off while in use, now not working correctly
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2013, 03:41:30 am »
Made a little progress.  Can get midi to the Analog Lab software but still nothing with the DAW plugins. 


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