Hey Everyone,
I'm saddened to say that my most beloved minibrute decided to go crazy today and is
NO longer usable...
I use my MB almost everyday. It's been sitting in the same place in my studio for a year and it randomly decided not to work today. It started off cutting in and out and making nasty sounds. I turned it on and off a few times and then it was done...
It turns on, but nothing is coming out of the output or headphones.
The Filter envelope light won't activate and the
VCA envelope light stays on without touching the the keys. Something went crazy with the envelopes!
It was periodically going back to to normal, but only for a few minutes and now nothing at all for the past few hours.
This is what I've done so far to fix it: I saw someone else post something similar and they said that a new adapter seemed to do the job.
I found another adapter and the power came on, but NO sound. I updated the firmware and it didn't fix it.I checked the GATE source a hundred times and it is still on KBD. I know my synthesis so all the settings are proper. When it came back on I made sure it was at a setting that would produce sound. I turned it on and off many times, but nothing...
Any ideas?

? This particular synth didn't come with the "preset sheets" either. I sent tech support an email last year about this and they said they'd send new ones. Never got them!
Bruno!!! Help!
s'il te plaît!