so far my experiences with MiniLab/Analog Lab using it with Logic (9.1.

have been quite frustrating. Now after using it for a week or two, Analog Lab is not seeing my MiniLab controller ?! I am using the latest Analog Lab (1.0.4) software (and firmware) and tried restarting, using the sync button (in AL) etc... nothing worked... . Do I have to set a special preset in MiniLab?
One other question is , can I use multiple instances of Analog Lab with MiniLab and will those instances (if it works!) automatically connect/sync with the MiniLab controller when the track is selected (in Logic).
I really like the concept of MiniLab, Analog and the Edit Mode of the other software, BUT so far I had so so many crashes with Logic and issues. I have not done/ finished any music it. ...
Hopefully someone can help me get it connected.
I tried it also in Standalone and the controller kind of connects. Only a few knobs are working (and the cutoff knob is also controller the volume ?)...