Blox, I sympathize.
However, consider this. Arturia releases a product into the wild.
There are probaby hundreds of different computer hardware models running various OS versions. Limitless setup differences. Someone might have a totally standard computer, but some weird MIDI routing plugin. Or a ton of USB devices on a bus. Or a USB port that does not supply the correct power. Or antivirus software interfering with scanning the device list. Plus users, from savvy to cluless.
For most people, the software runs fine. (Or the forum would have dozens of HELP posts a day.) For some people, there are unique one-off issues that are virtually impossible to diagnose over email. You're basically asking Arturia to help you out with a problem with your computer. A problem that affects your MiniBrute software, but not with the software - a problem on your end.
Your best bet is to focus on your system - upgrade the OS, experiement with configuration, until it works. Reinstall. Retry. Because MiniBrute Connection works fine for me, and I always have a problem with everything!