Here is a bit of an update, though I am still waiting to hear if a real MK2 template will be attainable.
I found that if i try to use the Minilab template or run my MK2 so its seen by Reason as a minilab 1 it never works well. I did much better when I just deleted and started over adding the MK2 as a generic keyboard with controls. Then I found my cc messages came through exactly as I had programmed them in MCC.
So, what I do to take advantage of that is use a rackextension called Mod 8. . This is basically a set of dials in reason that i can then wire to any cv input I want. I use the back of whatever device I want to control, and put it in a combinator so I can get at the parameters that are not exposed on the back of the unit.
The key cool factor of this approach is I can just set up the cc messages as I know are expected by the dials on the mod 8 panel. So for any mod 8 panel I create my MK2 is already sending the correct messages.
I use the advanced midi system of busses, so that what ever channel I choose on my MK2 its going to the right Mod 8 unit in reason. So I can live jump to different reason synths just by choosing the Midi channel on the MK2.
This is all groovey however it is also I admit a bit cumbersome to maintain. I wish there was clearer documentation or simple user friendly Remote template creation. I watched a few vids on hacking remote templates and thought I got it but really did not

Up shot of this post is I guess, the template for minilab really doesn't work with MK 2 and if there is an MK 2 template to be had that would sure save me a lot of headache....
I do look forward to all thoughts and comments. I know this is a good unit, and mostly the limitations currently are my own knowledge.
- Stefan