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Author Topic: Recording iMini using TableTop  (Read 4315 times)


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Recording iMini using TableTop
« on: October 21, 2013, 11:43:47 am »

I am trying to record musical phrases (sketches?) played on iMini into TableTop. In my TableTop session I have iMini selected in the "mastermind inter-app controller". When I call up the iMini GUI I can see the TableTop icon in the Inter App Transport Window on the top right of the "Connect" strip. There is no problem in recording a small 4-note arpeggio played from the iMini virtual keyboard on the iPad using the record and play buttons in the inter app audio transport window. However, when I play the same arpeggio from my external hardware MIDI controller, I can hear the notes but the arpeggio is not recorded. 

It would be great to be able to lay down iMini tracks using an external MIDI controller.

Thanks in advance for any bug fixes and/or feature additions.


  • Apprentice
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Re: Recording iMini (was:Recording iMini using TableTop)
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2013, 03:46:56 pm »
Dear all,

 I am glad to announce that the new GarageBand update with IAA (Inter Application Audio) works very well with iMini. Launch iMini with the appropriate patch. In GarageBand, choose "Audio Recorder" --> Input Settings ---> Inter-App Audio ---> Instrument ---> iMini. Then click on the iMini icon to go to iMini itself. In iMini, choose "Connect" and the GarageBand icon will appear in the Inter App Audio Transport window. Click on the red Record button and record your track using your external hardware MIDI controller. :)

Thanks Arturia for implementing the IAA feature in iMini! Thanks Apple for IAA and for making GarageBand IAA compliant.



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