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Author Topic: Arturia Prophet V versus VectorSector Prophet VS emulation  (Read 9393 times)


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I love the Arturia Prophet V which as you know is a combination emulation of the Prophet VS and the Prophet 5.  You can actually load  Prophet VS sysex banks into the Prophet V.  You can't do this using VectorSector. [Please see my full review of VectorSector at]. I have downloaded about 15 Prophet VS sysex banks in the files section of the Yahoo Group ProphetVS which you can load into the Arturia program.

Another great thing is that the patch names show up in the Arturia program.  (If you download sysex banks to a librarian like Sound Diver or Midiquest you won't see the patch names).

The interface on the Arturia Prophet V is also excellent and much easier to use than VectorSector.  I have a Prophet VS keyboard and the sound of the Arturia Prophet is close enough to the real thing to satisfy me.  However, the Arturia does not play "double" layered VS patches like you can play on a hardware VS so it loses a couple of points there.

My BIG PROBLEM with the Arturia Prophet V is that I cannot use the VST or Standalone versions of the program without crashing my computer running Windows XP.  Thankfully, I am able to use the Arturia Prophet V DXi plug-in which I run with Sonar 5 as a host.  If I didn't have Sonar 5 or another hosting program that could run the DXi, I would be unable to use the Arturia Prophet V at all.

I have been in contact with the Arturia Tech Support but they have not been able to tell me what to do to fix my problem.  They say that I am the only user who has reported experiencing these crashes when attempting to load the VST and Standalone versions of Prophet V.  I suspect the "Device Driver Errors" I am getting have to do a bug in the Syncrosoft dongle software. But I am not sure that the dongle is the problem in that I also run the Korg Legacy Digital Edition which also uses a license in my Syncrosoft dongle.  The Korg plug ins work fine.

I have about 20 other VST's that I run without any problems.  (I have a Pentium 4 PC with a Gigabyte of memory and I am using Prophet V version 1.1.) I will report any success in resolving my problem here and at the ProphetVS Yahoo Group forum.

If anyone wants to be forwarded my entire back and forth emails to Arturia Tech Support, send me an email.

Also, I appreciate any help or suggestions to help me successfully load the VST version of the program.



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Arturia Prophet V versus VectorSector Prophet VS emulation
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2006, 03:19:12 pm »
Do the Native Instruments Pro-53 patches work with the Arturia Prophet V? If not, does anyone know if there is a way to export the patches to work with the Prophet V?



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Arturia Prophet V versus VectorSector Prophet VS emulation
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2006, 10:06:57 pm »
No .. It is NOT possible to load Pro-53 patches into the Prophet V - and no; there is no way to convert between the two.
There are no similarities (except for the name) between the two products.

And why in the world would you like to import / export between these two VERY different-sounding VSTi's ?



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