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Author Topic: Changing factory pattern styles?  (Read 2850 times)


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Changing factory pattern styles?
« on: March 15, 2013, 02:50:43 pm »
Hello, I'm new to owning a Spark drum system.  Was wondering if anyone knew if it's possible to change the pattern drumming style for the simulated drum machines.
For example, if I wanted to start with the 808 drum machine sound in a style other than hip hop, say rock or pop, are there factory preset patterns in the 808 for different styles other than trance or hip hop?  And if so, how do you go about accessing them?

Thanks to anyone who can answer this question for me.


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Re: Changing factory pattern styles?
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2013, 05:09:11 pm »
Load the project you want (name of project usually represents the style). Now you have a project/style loaded, load another kit from the hardware (you need to click and hold the dial so it beccomes to kit loading instead of sound loading). ---> loading a kit from the hardware only loads a kit, not a project with pattern so you can test different kits with different patterns style. Hope i'm clear!


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