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Author Topic: Serious MIDI Learn bug with Oberheim SEM V version 1.1.5 Build 36768 (latest)  (Read 10123 times)


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Dear folks at Arturia,

I have hit a nasty bug when using the latest version of Oberheim SEM V, an instrument I'm very fond of! The Oberheim throws up error messages when I try to make it learn CC instructions from either of my MIDI controllers.

Host DAW: Ableton Live version 8.3.4
iMac, OSX 10.8.2
MIDI controllers: M-Audio Keystation Mini 32,  Korg nanoKONTROL

Scenario 1:
Open Ableton Live
Add Oberheim SEM V to an empty MIDI track
Turn a knob on attached MIDI controller (tried on two different controllers).
Error message ending in '...Line 275' appears. (see attached screenshot)
Clicking OK or Cancel closes dialog, which comes straight back up. This repeats ad infinitum until you Force Quit Ableton Live.

Scenario 2:
Open Ableton Live.
Add Oberheim SEM V to an empty MIDI track.
Click 'MIDI' button top right.
Knobs turn purple.
Click a parameter knob on Oberheim SEM V.
Turn knob on MIDI controller.
Same error message as above, but this time clicking cancel makes dialog go away.
MIDI learning appears to work correctly.
Click on other parameter knobs and turn the knob on the controller for each.
Sometimes it learns it, other times an error message appears.
Sometimes the error message ends in 'Line 275', other times it ends in 'Line 263' (both screenshots attached). I could not determine a clear pattern for this.
Clicking Cancel makes them go away. The MIDI learning appears to continue working.
Occasionally, though, Live crashes completely.

Error does not occur when using another Arturia virtual instrument, the MiniMg V. Learn MIDI CC function works correctly.

I'm happy to do more tests if it helps.

Please respond quickly, this is really hindering my work. I can still use the synth, but have to draw the automation manually.

Has anyone else hit this one?



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Confirmed !

I was about to post the same bug !

System OSX lion, arturia SEM V 1.1.5.


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Hey tomazzzi,

Can you tell me what controllers you're using?




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Exact same bug here, Rebecca, I reported it in 2 other places, a support ticket which David answered, asking for more info, which I sent him, but never heard back, and then on the forum here too; I had to go back to v.1.1.3 because it was always happening... :-[
I am using a number of Novation ReMOTE SL Mk I controllers: the 37 note, the 25 note, and the 61 note.
I eventually got v. 1.1.3 working, but it's audio-glitching, which it didn't used to.
Thank you for responding to this thread!!!


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More info. Just dusted off my M-Audio KeyRig 49 and tried MIDI learning using its volume slider. The error did not occur, I was able to control various knobs on the SEM V with the KeyRig 49's volume slider without any problem.

Then I went back to the KORG nanoKONTROL and tried a slider. It seemed to learn to control the SEM V's knob just fine.
Then clicked on another knob instead and used the same slider. Error dialog. But the learning stuck, i.e. moving the slider rotated the knob.
Clicked on another knob, slid the next fader. There was an error dialog, but the learning stuck.
Tried a third slider on another knob. Same. Error dialog, but it seemed to work.
Clicked on a fourth knob, slid the fourth slider...Live crashed completely.

It's very hard to find a pattern to all this.


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I can report the same/similar bug using Oberheim SEM V 1.1.5 in Logic 9.1.8 OSX10.6.8.

When I try to assign a MIDI CC to a knob I get the infamous "Jenkins" error.  At least it doesn't crash Logic.

In standalone, Oberheim Oberheim SEM V 1.1.5 doesn't respond to MIDI CC messages at all.


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Hi Rebecca,

I m using a lemur.
I also tried with another controller ( novation nocturn ) and had the same bug.

Looks like it's happenning when the sem receives more than one midi message at the same time.

Thx for the support.

Best Regards


Hello rebecca,

J'utilise un Lemur sur ipad. J'ai aussi essayé avec un nocturn et j'ai eut le meme bug.
Il me semble que cela se passe lorsque le SEM reçoit plus d'un message Midi en même temps.

Merci pour le support.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2013, 11:26:52 am by tomazzzi »


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I'm not sure but I think our next beta should solve this.
Please write me a PM so I can add you to beta test if you want to try it, or if you want to just get the next version during beta.

Adrien Courdavault
DSP & Software engineer


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CME UF-7 and Korg ms-20 - midi learn is not working anymore.

best regards


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could you tell which version you are using ?
Sadly a regression exists in the 1.1.5, but we did big change in MIDI to have more features and stability for the future, and it also solves that bug in 1.1.6.

Adrien Courdavault
DSP & Software engineer


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Same here. I adore the SEM-1, but it is the WORST plug in I have ever used as far as stability goes. Crashes constantly. Always has. Using the Arturia 49 keyoboard, Logic 9.1.8, blah blah.. Its become unuseable and I'm very disappointed. Please fix this thing.


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@smidijack - i don't know about your system, but SEM 1.1.6 is working well for me on my system...Novation ReMOTE 61SL Mk.1, MBP, DP and Standalone...


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MIDI learn issue with 1.1.5 => use 1.1.6.
Adrien Courdavault
DSP & Software engineer


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