I want to say that as much as the developers can get feedback from technicians and musicians, therefore the product will be even and even better!
Definitively Yes.
And the problem is the same with hardware synth builders.
If they would be more in touch with musicians, they could produce
better synths, instead of always romplers.
it's only a stupid, stupid, stupid legal battle, sadly Tom Oberheim can't brand his synths with his own name, it's madmen's stuff
Yes, and it's difficult to accept it's us, need to pay for their stupidity.
And too bad Tom Oberheim didn't continue to produce amazing synths
even with another name as "Marion" for example.
The SEM is a very good one, and very rare.
At the same time I think Arturia could make a SEM-V, if they don't
write "oberheim" on the product, I don't know how Gibson could against.
They could call it the MIEHREBO-V, or Marion-V :twisted: