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Author Topic: Analog lab V update bug - accessibilty seems on and bugged by default  (Read 6594 times)


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Since todays update keylab V keeps reading fader and control settings out loud on my Keylab 49. It sounds like it's using accessibilty features, which is actually turned off (see attachment). This is in Live 11.3.2, Analog lab V version

Is this a bug?


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Have you tried to clean Analog Lab V's preferences through ASC?
You have to set your settings in ALV again after this.


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Have you tried to clean Analog Lab V's preferences through ASC?
You have to set your settings in ALV again after this.

Hi, thanks for your suggestion. I did clean the preferences file through ASC. I actually did a full reinstall after that through ASC. The exact same thing is happening sadly.


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Your welcome.

You can try to uninstall, restart the computer and then install ALV again.
Otherwise i suggest you contact Arturia support through your account.

I'm on Windows, and i don't have the issue.
But i know there have been an issue like this before. Can't remember if it was on MAC only.


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BTW: Be sure the reader is set to off in your computer. But unless you hear it elsewhere it probably is.


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Thank you, really appreciate the replies. I'll try that. Im on Windows 11. Thanks for checking your system. Did you update ALV to the latest version? I didnt have this issue before. I already shot a lead to support. PS first thing I checked was Windows accessiblity feature. I didnt know ALV had one before this happened.


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Yes i use latest version.
It actually look like i can't enable the feature in Arturias applications. I normally don't use it. But it can look like there is issues of some kind.
I have had it working in tests i did in the past.


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I only have the issue when running ALV in Live while having the Keylab set to control Analog lab and then move faders or knobs. When it's set to DAW the issue with the knobs and fads isn't there. It is only those as well. The issue seems to be trggered in ALV's latest update. I'll post here when support has had a chance to look into it.


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Yes please let us know thanks.


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I have the same problem — can't turn it off even though the setting says it's off. Happens in Live and the standalone Lab V app. Running on Windows
« Last Edit: June 13, 2023, 09:49:35 pm by elsparko »


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As far as i can tell they are still working on it and excelated it upwards, my issue is still open.
EDIT: I just got word it will be adressed in a future LabV update.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2023, 05:01:39 pm by Ingmar »


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As far as i can tell they are still working on it abd excalated it upwards, my issue is still open.

Same here, it's a known issue that has to be fixed with an update


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