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Author Topic: Stuck Midi Notes with Expert Sleepers FH-2  (Read 961 times)


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Stuck Midi Notes with Expert Sleepers FH-2
« on: May 05, 2023, 03:32:54 am »

I’m having a problem with stuck midi notes coming from the KeyStep 37 to my Expert Sleepers Fh-2 Eurorack module.

The system is

- Keystep 37 (acting as MIDI Slave via USB)
- Digitakt (providing the MIDI clock via DIN)
- FH2 connected via USBA
- Connecivity MIO4 acting as the hub

The symptom that comes up most frequently is that a note from the Keystep "sticks" (ie the gate goes high and never goes low). It will only "unstick" when I press the same note again. I'm guessing the "Note Off" message is getting lost somewhere along the line.

Similarly, if the arpeggiator on the Keystep is running, occasionally the FH-2 will "skip" notes. The constant stream of MIDI messages I normally see on the FH-2 screen stops while the notes are not playing and then starts up again when they do.

I’ve contacted Expert Sleepers and they said that had seen similar problems with the OG Keystep, and referred to this thread.

I’m wondering if that bug might still exist with the KeyStep 37. I am running the latest Keystep 37 firmware (1.16)


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