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Author Topic: Faders and Knobs don't work (forgot mapping) with Analog Lab V  (Read 1243 times)

Brandon Siavichay

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So I have the Keylab 61. I start using Control Surfaces on Logic Pro. Just adding new maps for other plugins. However now that I use Analog Lab, the faders and knobs don't work anymore. And I know i can just do the same method on Logic Pro to map the knobs from Analog Lab to the midi controller. But there were so many settings! Now I have to configure brightness and color to the same knob plus configure all the other knobs.

I'm on Analog Lab mode. So why isn't it functioning and why did mapping on "User" affect my Analog Lab settings? I am guessing though. And how could I go back to how Analog Lab worked with the midi WITHOUT deleting all my other maps for other plugins?


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Re: Faders and Knobs don't work (forgot mapping) with Analog Lab V
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2023, 08:45:17 pm »

I think your issue is within Logic-

I don't have a Keylab and don't use Logic.
But afaik you can't change the Analog Lab map. If you open Analog Lab as standalone application then it work, when you use Analog Lab mode - right?

My guess is you have let Logic take over some midi CC's for an internal Logic mapping system, without paying attention to not use the midi CC's the Analog Lab map use. Then those midi CC's no longer work like normal midi CC's in Logic.
Can that be a correct guess?
« Last Edit: May 06, 2023, 08:47:27 pm by LBH »


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Re: Faders and Knobs don't work (forgot mapping) with Analog Lab V
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2023, 10:35:02 am »
A variation of this question turns up fairly regularly, and the answer is always the same.
Analog Lab mode is for when you're controlling Analog Lab as a standalone instrument from your KeyLab.
When you're using Analog Lab as a plugin from within a DAW, your DAW is 'superior' to the Analog Lab plugin in terms of hierarchy, so the physical controls and sliders will be first intercepted by your DAW, irrespective of whether or not you select 'Analog Lab' mode on the KeyLab. Whether or not those controls then literally do anything depends on their mapping within your DAW.
2022 Apple Studio Max 32/32/2TB Monterey • V Collection 9 • Analog Lab 4 + 5 • KeyLab 88 • KeyStep


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Re: Faders and Knobs don't work (forgot mapping) with Analog Lab V
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2023, 03:20:58 pm »
Hi MajorFubar,

Hope your fine.

Analog Lab mode is for when you're controlling Analog Lab as a standalone instrument from your KeyLab.
You have said this before. But it's wrong. Analog Lab mode is not only for the standalone version.
This is a note from chapter 3. ANALOG LAB MODE in a Keylab MK2 manual:
" ♪: When in DAW mode you can switch to Analog Lab mode and do everything described in this
chapter, if the instrument assigned to the current track is Analog Lab. The DAW Commands section and
the transport section will continue to function as they do in DAW mode. But keep in mind that the Track
select buttons will be used to filter sounds in Analog Lab; to select different tracks and track groups,
switch back into DAW mode."
(BTW: I think it should have been "When in a DAW" and not "When in DAW mode" as you clearly goo out of DAW mode and use Analog Lab mode in a DAW, when reading the text.)

Analog Lab mode unfortunately only use a fixed pre mapped midi CC mapping, and not a sysEX or speciel mapping system like i think it should, to for example prevent midi CC mapping issues in hosts.

If Analog Lab mode should not work in a host, then you should say the same for using midi CC in generel, making Arturias applications midi configs and modulation matrixes not working in hosts too, unless you remap it all in your host.

This is why you - as it is - shall not let a DAW's internal mapping system take over the midi CC's that Analog Lab mode use, as you wan't some midi CC's to work like midi CC's for applications independent from a hosts internal control system.

Normally you chose to map some midi CC's to a hosts internal system, knowing those midi CC's no longer can be used outside that system. It's a individual choice, what you do.

As it is - it's a matter of planning the different mapping possibilities.
If Logic is all or nothing so you can't select to only map some midi CC's for it's internal mapping system, then it's a Logic thing.

Wish it all was less complicated.


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Re: Faders and Knobs don't work (forgot mapping) with Analog Lab V
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2023, 12:40:28 pm »
Ah ok I sit corrected.
2022 Apple Studio Max 32/32/2TB Monterey • V Collection 9 • Analog Lab 4 + 5 • KeyLab 88 • KeyStep


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