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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Is the Midi command "All notes off" not implemented in MicroFreak?  (Read 1019 times)


  • Apprentice
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  • Posts: 46
  • Karma: 2

why does switching off the notes not work in this C# code?

Code: [Select]
            outputDevice.SendControlChange(Channel.Channel3, (Midi.Control)127, 0);   // Polyphonic on
            outputDevice.SendNoteOn(Channel.Channel3, (Pitch)70, 80);
            outputDevice.SendNoteOn(Channel.Channel3, (Pitch)72, 80);
            outputDevice.SendNoteOn(Channel.Channel3, (Pitch)74, 80);
            outputDevice.SendNoteOn(Channel.Channel3, (Pitch)76, 80);     // up to this point it works, I can see 4 notes on the spectrum analyzer
            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000);      // delay 1000ms
            outputDevice.SilenceAllNotes();                                           // doesn't work
            outputDevice.SendControlChange(Channel.Channel3, (Midi.Control)123, 0);   // all notes off, doesn't work
            outputDevice.SendNoteOff(Channel.Channel3, (Pitch)70, 80);                // however switching the notes off does work
            outputDevice.SendNoteOff(Channel.Channel3, (Pitch)72, 80);
            outputDevice.SendNoteOff(Channel.Channel3, (Pitch)74, 80);
            outputDevice.SendNoteOff(Channel.Channel3, (Pitch)76, 80);

Any ideas why this doesn't work?



  • Apprentice
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  • Posts: 46
  • Karma: 2
Re: Is the Midi command "All notes off" not implemented in MicroFreak?
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2023, 11:03:35 am »
Also the Midi commands "Reset" and "Volume" seem not to work. How do you make the MicroFreak silent over Midi, if you don't know which notes are on? As a workaround it's possible to send 128 "Note off" commands for all notes, but that's slow.



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