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Author Topic: Microfreak clicks in recordings?  (Read 2355 times)


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Microfreak clicks in recordings?
« on: February 06, 2023, 05:53:17 pm »
Hi everyone,

I was wondering if you've got any idea why I'm getting the following issue:

My little Arturia Microfreak makes what sounds like static whenever I record using it. It's not major, but I'm wondering why it does this (as it shouldn't). You can hear it between 0s-1s and at the 4s mark in the respective recordings. I've attached a drawing/diagram of my home studio layout/connections that might be contributing to the issue.

Here's link to the audio files:


And a drawing/diagram of my home studio: https://imgur.com/a/RvVPOaO

Any ideas?


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