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Author Topic: How tu use Arturia products offline?  (Read 4063 times)


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How tu use Arturia products offline?
« on: January 19, 2023, 12:45:20 pm »
Hi. Every time I revoke permission for Software Center to act in the background, my plugins don't work. Can't you use Arturia products offline? Does a connection to the Software Center always have to be ensured? That wouldn't make much sense, especially since you can't just produce on the go on the laptop in areas where there is no network coverage. Background usage eats up a lot of CPU unnecessarily. My computer is a Macbook Pro 14" with Ventura 13.1. This does not work in Ableton 11 or Cubase 12 and affects all my Arturia products.


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Re: How tu use Arturia products offline?
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2023, 08:27:30 pm »
No I didn't as it would mean I would have to uninstall everything. In addition, the detour via a USB stick seems quite complicated to me. Isn't there a simpler solution? I believe this issue has nothing to do with the Ventura+Arturia incompatibility.


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Re: How tu use Arturia products offline?
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2023, 10:15:31 pm »
No I didn't as it would mean I would have to uninstall everything. [/quote]
Where have you read that?

In addition, the detour via a USB stick seems quite complicated to me.
Have you actually read what the USB is for? How is that a detour? I think, i understand it's usage in a different way than you do.
What excactly is complicated?

Isn't there a simpler solution?
How can it be more simple?

I believe this issue has nothing to do with the Ventura+Arturia incompatibility.
I wrote FYI only. Just in case this might be something to have in mind, if you at any point exspereience issues of any kind.

I believe this issue
What issue?
You seem to interpret things quite negatively, and see things as complicated, even if they might not be. Your issue perhaps is your self?

If you actually had tried this method, then why did'nt you say so? Then i could have saved my time. Are you sure you did know about it, and you did try try it? Does'nt look like you have.
I suggest you read the FAQ carefull - including the notes at the bottom, and actually try it. Then i will be happy to hear about waht you find out. I have not tried it. But i think it might be very simple and easy to use, unless there actually is an issue somewhere in the activation process.


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Re: How tu use Arturia products offline?
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2023, 10:00:57 am »
Ok, to try and ease the tensions here a little...
Arturia VSTs don't require you to be online to use them: you only need to be online, some place or another, to register your purchases to your computer in the first instance (via the Software Center). So that's a 'once only' activity, per computer.
From then on, you can be up a remote mountain in Chile if you like; your VSTs will still work.
Why are you constantly opening Software Center, which obviously will pester you for an online connection?
What am I missing?
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Re: How tu use Arturia products offline?
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2023, 11:07:25 am »

Oh man...I obviously didn't mean to attack you or be rude to you. I appreciate you wanting to help me, so thanks for that.


Unfortunately, that is not the case for me. Of course my products are registered on my PC. As soon as I revoke the ASC's permission to operate in the background, I can no longer open my plugins in Ableton and Cubase. There is then written for each plugin:

Thank you for using (XY)
This software is not activated on this computer.
Error 01: Can't communicate with the Arturia Software Center.
Please sign in with your Arturia account.


Run in demo mode.

Unfortunately I can't attach screenshots.


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Re: How tu use Arturia products offline?
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2023, 02:46:11 pm »
As soon as I revoke the ASC's permission to operate in the background, I can no longer open my plugins in Ableton and Cubase. There is then written for each plugin:

Thank you for using (XY)
This software is not activated on this computer.
Error 01: Can't communicate with the Arturia Software Center.
Please sign in with your Arturia account.


Run in demo mode.

This is because the ASC, or more precisely in this situation ArturiaSoftwareCenterAgent.exe, is a necessary software component - it's part of the installation for all Arturia soft synths. When you start a soft synth, it ensures that the ASC Agent is running so that it in turn can verify that your software has been activated, both for online and offline operation.

Therefore you should let the ASC Agent run. I'm not sure why you want to prevent it from running(?) It uses very little resources, not using the CPU when idle, so don't worry about that.

So, if you follow the procedure to do offline activation and don't prevent the ASC Agent from running, you should hopefully be good to go with offline operation.


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