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Author Topic: Spark Vintage Drum Machines uninstaller?  (Read 2530 times)


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Spark Vintage Drum Machines uninstaller?
« on: January 22, 2023, 09:19:04 pm »
A couple of months ago I was looking for a specific old drum machine, and somehow I got to Spark Vintage Drum Machines. It has a page and everything, downloads included, and I couldn't see a Buy button or something similar, so I thought maybe it's a very old product that Arturia decided to give away for free, which is not unrealistic because there's a lot of free sound packs.

So I installed it and it turns out it's not free, and it gives me this error twice:

Code: [Select]
Syncrosoft POS Error Message
File Synsoacc.bundle could not be located in the
Application Support folder.

And then I think that error also showed up when launching Logic since it was trying to load the plugin. So I disabled it in Logic, but I like to keep my Mac as clean as possible and not have anything lying around that doesn't work or I don't need.

Since this is macOS and most software for whatever reason doesn't have uninstallers, I though I'd check if it does. But if it doesn't, other than searching for and uninstalling all instances of "Spark Vintage Drum Machines", where else does it install files? Since I own Analog Lab V and CS-80 V4, I can't just delete every single folder called "Arturia" in the drive.


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