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Author Topic: A ghost LFO on ALL patches  (Read 863 times)


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A ghost LFO on ALL patches
« on: January 12, 2023, 05:46:23 pm »
My polybrute is worthless right now and it is 1 month old. I cannot use it because all patches (event the init ones) have a ghost LFO that sweep from low to hi at different rate depending on the note or patches (maybe it is just random). Basically a fat bass line will become so thin that is is unusable. I really love this synth but there are alot of issues unresolved right now. I sent two different ticket to Arturia (also regarding stuck notes, freezes and polybrute connect weird behavior) I'm hoping everything gets fixed fast because this tool is becoming really time consuming. My prophet REV2 never had a single problem and buying this synth I thought I would have a seemless experience. I was wrong. I hope we are heard and the those issues are being fixed at this very moment. I literally cannot use the synth at the moment...
I'll be responding if they have a fix for these issues.


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Re: A ghost LFO on ALL patches
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2023, 04:41:19 pm »
The Prophet Rev2 has DCOs - Digital Controlled Oscs, while the PB has VCOs - Voltage Controlled once.
I might not be the perfect person to talk to, but slight differences of the 6 voices of the PB are possible. I encountered it too - slight swings of sound without LFOs in action, but I put it to the analogue voice modelling - and it puts to my taste a little life into it. I have a few digital synth too, where I need to synthesise in different ways the slight mistune...
If you mix VCO1 > VCO2 it might increase it even more.
- True, some presets are getting weaker depending on Resonance, Filter, Env Amt, or else. Keep in mind to use the individual preset output gain (Settings > Out Section > Preset Volume) to level it to other presets.
- Nevertheless: "sweep from low to hi" is not what I hear - rather, as mentioned a slight swing - like a soft LFO.

But maybe somebody else has a better explanation or different experience.


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