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Author Topic: Weird issue ,garbage noise in signal path  (Read 1296 times)


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Weird issue ,garbage noise in signal path
« on: December 24, 2022, 12:35:15 pm »
Initialise patch to  template default
Set low pass halfway , reso halway
Set t-ext for low pass halfway , by default this is the lfo ..we're gointg to  override it .
Route white noise into vca in , and modwheel into vca ctrol , route ouput of vca into t-ext .
WHen we change the modwheel , the filter is now modlated by white noise .
Patch should look like this .

Turn up the modwheel
Now the bug , disconnect the white noise from the vca   while the vca is still connected to the total in .
Result are strange overtones , seems like that there is still a part of te noise in the spectrum , the result is always different depending on when you delete the noise from the vca in


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Re: Weird issue ,garbage noise in signal path
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2022, 02:58:32 am »
It's true the Patch panel VCA hold the last value that's put into it, when you disconnect the VCA input like you do. That no matter which modulator you have in the input i believe.
When you restart the Synth, then the signal go away.

However - there is no reason to have the VCA output connected to anything, if you disconnect the VCA input. So it only matter, if you keep working, with a connection you don't use, unless you wan't the effect it give, while you are in a session untill you restart the application.

I don't know, if the original hardware have the same behavior.

At worst it's a bug, that while it's there easyli can be fixed by the user, by disconnecting and remove something that's not in use anyway.
But stricktly then yes - if it's a bug, then any kind of bug is a bug.


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