Connect hardware Minifreak / link
Go to patch library (button does not have a (onmouseover) description yet, I mean the |||\ next to the patch name, please add description?)
On the left side choose MINIFREAK so the patches on the hardware device are shown
On a patch, right mouse button, rename.
After rename the hardware screen is not updated, it still shows the old name. Even if you choose the RMB>Send to Minifreak option
If you change patches (+ and then -) on the hardware using the white preset knob, the new name is shown.
Expected behaviour is that after a rename the hardware screen is instantly updated.
I also saw that various buttons and knobs in the VSTi don't have any onmouseover description in the status bar on the bottom, or that they are very technical.
For example the buttons on the sequencer page, some are empty, some are technical like "Seq_AutoPlay" and "Seq_LaunchDice". Maybe you can clean that up a bit