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Author Topic: A new Kbd Src: Voices, modulo Unison Count  (Read 1081 times)


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A new Kbd Src: Voices, modulo Unison Count
« on: November 24, 2022, 10:26:17 pm »
Request : a new Kbd Src: Voices, modulo Unison Count

In unison mode, with Kbd Src set to Voices, the keyboard source of the mod matrix return "voice numbers" corresponding to the actual voices in use.
In poly unison mode it is maybe not what we want, instead we would like that each time a key is pressed, thoses "voice numbers" be just increasing numbers within the set of unison voices.
For example with Unison Count=2 + Poly mode : you press and hold a key -> voice numbers are 1 and 2; you press and hold an other key -> voice numbers are 1 and 2; etc...

So i made a patch :
- Kbd Src: Voices
- Poly unison mode
- ...
The idea is that the keyboard source of the mod matrix changes the hold of the cycling envelopes, and the cycling envelopes open the low pass filters. This is what we get, depending of the Unison Count and the number of keys pressed and held :
Minifreak" border="0
Note that the patterns of recordings 2 and 3 are similar, and recording 2 is chaotic compared to 1 but i just wanted to play 2 pitch simultaneously.

With a new "Kbd Src: Voices, modulo Unison Count", we would always obtain the first pattern (2 voices x 1 key, for Unison Count=2) whatever the number of keys are pressed, so we could press more that one key and have a predictable and pleasant sound.

Bonus : a shortcut to toggle Unison mode : shift + mode enveloppe button.

« Last Edit: November 25, 2022, 09:13:06 am by mery »


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Re: A new Kbd Src: Voices, modulo Unison Count
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2022, 01:20:21 pm »
Hello mery,

Thanks for the well documented post.
I think what you are trying to achieve depends on the Poly Allocation mode selected.

"In unison mode, with Kbd Src set to Voices, the keyboard source of the mod matrix return "voice numbers" corresponding to the actual voices in use.
In poly unison mode it is maybe not what we want, instead we would like that each time a key is pressed, thoses "voice numbers" be just increasing numbers within the set of unison voices."

=> Using the Poly allocation mode Cycle makes you scroll through the different "voices numbers" while playing the same note.

"With a new "Kbd Src: Voices, modulo Unison Count", we would always obtain the first pattern (2 voices x 1 key, for Unison Count=2) whatever the number of keys are pressed, so we could press more that one key and have a predictable and pleasant sound."

=> Using the Poly allocation mode Reset to get a more predictable result.

More info:

◦ Cycle: The MiniFreak takes the next voice available, regardless of
what has been played previously.

◦ Reassign: If you replay a note, it cuts off the previous voice and
retriggers it rather than choosing a new one. (Think of a piano and
what happens to a note if you replay it.)

◦ Reset: On every new keypress, the MiniFreak plays note one on voice
one, note two on voice two and so on.

I hope this helps you achieve what you wanted, if not, feel free to tell me and add your details.
Your patch idea is very clever, i have cool arpeggio basses  going on right now, thanks for the tip!

Kind regards.
QA Technician


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Re: A new Kbd Src: Voices, modulo Unison Count
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2022, 03:18:05 pm »
Hello Matthieu, thank you very much for your reply !

What i want to achieve is to spread a parameter between the voices of a unison set (i.e. a key press) in poly mode, always by the same amount whatever the set is. In a nutshell it is extend the "Kbd Src: Voices" to polyphony.

For example in poly + unison mode, with unison count=2 :

1st key pressed and held :
 voice 1 -> Kbd Src = 1
 voice 2 -> Kbd Src = 2
2nd key pressed and held :
 voice 3 -> Kbd Src = 1
 voice 4 -> Kbd Src = 2
3rd key pressed and held :
 voice 5 -> Kbd Src = 1
 voice 6 -> Kbd Src = 2

It is (almost) "voice number modulo unison count". (starting at 0 is probably best suited).

Then 1 and 2 will be tied to a destination inside the matrix.

If we craft a sound around the values 1 and 2 (recording 1), in general the values 3-6 will give very different results (recording 2), and we may not want that. Changing the poly allocation will do the trick in mono mode but not in poly or para mode where more than one key are assumed to be held.

Kind regards.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2022, 01:59:32 pm by mery »


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Re: A new Kbd Src: Voices, modulo Unison Count
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2022, 08:48:48 am »
Hi mery,
I'm not sure to understand why you can't acheive this.
I have forwarded your feature request to discuss it.
QA Technician


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