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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Looking for a well suited 13" tablet stand on left side of KeyLab 61 MkII  (Read 630 times)

Lince Pálido

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I am looking for a well suited 13" tablet stand to place on the left side of KeyLab 61 MkII.

My ideal stand would have to blades so thin that could be inserted below the keyboard on the left side while holding the iPad closer to the user a bit above the controls, or attached somehow to the back and may be the corner of the keyboard, taking advantage from the keyboard's weight.

I also added a feature request in the forums for a 3D-printing file "tailor made" for this keyboard, which could be downloaded by owners and sent to any 3rd party 3D-printing business.
  - https://forum.arturia.com/index.php?topic=110707.msg194408#msg194408

But meanwhile I need a a proper stand  :-\ and not expensive.


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