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Author Topic: It says Augmented Strings demo should be in 64-AND-32-bit - need 32-bit  (Read 1919 times)

Christopher Burke

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Dear Anyone.

I've got an old 32-bit DAW - sorry - I love it, it loves me, I hate the modern loop-droppers.  Anyway.

Never heard of Augmented Strings till I read about the demo on a site, which said it came in 64-bit and 32-bit.  Wonderful, thought I, I'll try it out, if I like it I'll buy it.  Downloaded the demo, started installing it - but it only says 64-bit.  Which is not much good for me! I've looked all over the site - I suck at websites, I know this - but can't find the 32-bit demo.

Where do I get the 32-bit demo version? 

Yours puzzledly



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Re: It says Augmented Strings demo should be in 64-AND-32-bit - need 32-bit
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2022, 01:17:06 pm »

I doubt any commercial manufactors make 32 bit plugins anymore. I also doubt any commercial manufactors make 32 bit DAWs anymore.

Arturia are very clear to state the plugins a re for 64 bit DAWs only on the product site: https://www.arturia.com/products/analog-classics/v-collection/details - scrool down to the bottom of the page, and read the Required configuration.


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