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Author Topic: Turing Machine and other Sequencers  (Read 1210 times)


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Turing Machine and other Sequencers
« on: October 04, 2022, 02:20:27 am »
Ok, so I loved the updated to enable recording the arps into the sequencer (the only add on feature I've ever asked for) - amazing, but I'd like to suggest some additional sequencer types for the KeyStepPro.

I'm thinking instead of switching from Seq to Arp mode, we could switch from Seq to other types of generated sequences?

1) Turing Machine - KeyStepPro version of this, https://www.thonk.co.uk/shop/turingmkii/
There's a Max4Live and VST version.
Sounds great on random, and even more so on looped mode - hypnotic

2) Other randomisation sequencers (or something to mashup and randomise the arps)
Similar to;
Rhythmizer - VST & M4l,
Stinger M4l,
Euclidean Sequencer M4l,



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