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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: JUP8 V4 BUG  (Read 1728 times)

Arpad B

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« on: October 09, 2022, 06:49:42 pm »
I have found a Jup 8 V4 Bug and I can recreate it.
My Op.system: WIN 11 64 bit.

DAW(s): I could recreate the bug in 2 of my DAWS : Reaper 6.66 and FL Studio 20.9.1 - so the bug is in the instrument, not in the daw!

What is this bug?
If you have arpeggiator on, and press 3 keys on my midi controller and hold it , then in the meanwhile turn the arp OFF with my mouse, soon the program will crash.
You can do this in another way: turn the 'HOLD' function on, turn ARP on, press 3 keys once so you don't have to keep them pressed, the arp will play. Then just turn the arp off - program will crash.

It would be cool to get rid of this bug ....


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