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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: New guy struggling - can not sequence from BSP to Volca Bass or TB3  (Read 1162 times)


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Hi everyone,

I'm new to not using a DAW but sequencing a drumbrute, model:cycles and micro freak with the BSP, no problem at all. But I cannot get either the Korg Volca Bass or Behringer TB3 to play individual notes or respond to sequences from my BSP.

I've set them both to be "slave", i've set the midi channel and nothing. I have sent the same channel to the Volca AND Cycles simultaneously and only the cycles responded. The only thing the Volca and TD 3 respond to is the play and stop signals which set off their sequences.

I just can't work it out. What am I doing wrong?

Any help appreciated
« Last Edit: October 28, 2022, 09:19:39 am by Punchanello »


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