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Author Topic: Modulating Pitch Question PLEASE HELP  (Read 925 times)


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Modulating Pitch Question PLEASE HELP
« on: September 09, 2022, 07:20:10 pm »
Hi, with other synths, I apply a technique where I modulate the pitch of just one oscillator.

The result is normal musical notes and pitch modulation together.

The Microfreak seems to have only one oscillator (just learning it)

So, am I basically screwed for this technique?

It seems bizarre as what I'm looking to do is so basic compared to what this thing can do, otherwise!

I can get something kind of similar by applying an LFO to 'wave' but it's not quite the same.

I want, for example, a normal tone and a siren together when I press a key.

Thanks in advance,



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