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Author Topic: MPE - expression modulation is jittery  (Read 681 times)


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MPE - expression modulation is jittery
« on: August 09, 2022, 07:44:47 am »
My MPE controller sends expression values per note.

I have MPE enabled, but it does not seem to support expression as a note-based parameter.

When I modulate one note up and the other down the resulting signal is a mix of both channels causing weird effects


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Re: MPE - expression modulation is jittery
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2022, 11:04:37 pm »
Bumping this with a closely elated issue rather than creating a new thread for now.
How does one get per note expression to work indeed.
I want to map a per channel MPE CC to cutoff for example. I can create a ch1 CCx filter 1 cutoff assignment. But it completely ignores the expression of notes that aren't on channel 1. If I assign another channel say channel 7, then expression from that note that happens on channel 7 controls cutoff for all 16 notes..
Please help

EDIT: Ok got it - seems you have to use Macro 1 as the MPE expressor and then map Macro 1 from there to the cutoff or intended feature
« Last Edit: August 24, 2022, 11:38:10 pm by Noisemother »


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