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Author Topic: CMI V - missing samples from original CMI  (Read 3772 times)


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CMI V - missing samples from original CMI
« on: July 05, 2022, 06:14:25 pm »
Hi Forum -
After three attempts to get an answer from Arturia technical support (with no answer at all...crickets...), I thought I'd take a chance with the Forum on my problem.

Arturia advertises: "600 samples from the original CMI library · 360 presets sounds made by Arturia sound designers", but where are those 600 samples stored? They are not accessible by presets (428 total, with 61 claiming to be from the original library) and try as I might, I can't get a sense of where to find them. Wouldn't it have been nice if they had taken a little time to make each sample a preset of its own, or taken time in the documentation to note where to find the original samples?

For those who might be willing to help, I am on a Windows 10 system, with the V Collection 7. It is completely up to date with a clean install.

Thank in advance. And if anyone from Arturia is moderating this, maybe you can chime in on why there has been zero response from your tech support? I own this an the FX collection as well as a couple of your synths. I haven't had to call on you before, and have to say, if this had been an experience earlier, I likely would've spent a good deal of the money that came to you elsewhere.

Thanks to anyone who might have an answer on the CMI front.

Cheers - Jerry


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Re: CMI V - missing samples from original CMI
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2022, 07:57:44 pm »

I have allways got replies from Arturia support. I don't know if there is something wrong with the support at the time being. It sound strange to me, if you have'nt heard from them 3 times.

The info you search is easy to find.

It's also questions that have been answered several times.

But okay FYI: All Arturias samples are located in the Resource folders Sample folder - in the relevant specified sample folder inside that.
The Resource folder is located at the User path specified in Arturia Software Centers (ASC) Preferences.

Inside CMI V you can browse the samples in SCREEN mode/ SOUND tab/ BROWSE tab.
Have a look in the manual section "5.6. Browse Tab". It's a shame so many people does'nt use the manuals, as they perhaps would be even better if they did. But
Unfortunately this bug haven't been fixed yet: https://forum.arturia.com/index.php?topic=108462.0#msg189229 - So you have to load the sample to hear the samples.

Other samples can be loaded into CMI V through the instrumentb slots, like explained in the manual section "5.1. Instrument Slots".


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Re: CMI V - missing samples from original CMI
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2022, 02:26:09 pm »
Thank you LBH.

I love manuals, but obviously, I didn't go deep enough here. It's also not obvious what the original samples are unless you want to correlate the 'date modified'. I know that's not a huge leap in logic (if it was modified in 1983, it's probably an original sample), but to my mind, it's lazy, or sloppy, or both on Arturia's part (just like me when I didn't catch/ignored the information in the manual at 5.6 - guilty as charged, facepalm, no excuse, etc.).   

I appreciate the help very much and by the way, for whatever reason, still crickets from Arturia.

Cheers - Jerry
« Last Edit: July 07, 2022, 02:32:59 pm by jer@jerryhammack.com »


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Re: CMI V - missing samples from original CMI
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2022, 05:41:10 pm »
Your welcome jerry.

Don't get me wrong. I think it's fine too ask. It's also fine to tell what could be better. But i in example don't think it's fine to complain about missing informations, if the informations is'nt missing and especially when some info actually is given just by being aware what one install where, so that's why i replied like i did. I think you know.

Thanks for your friendly PM.



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