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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Discrepancy between controller map and the affected parameter  (Read 662 times)


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Difficult to find a good topic title for this one. The case is, I think I've found a small, and I suppose easily fixable, error.

I own a KeyLab MkII 88.

On the rear the pedal connectors are labeled right to left;

-Aux 1
-Aux 2
-Aux 3

This labeling corresonds with the labeling on the rear controller map.

However, when you click the Aux connectors to change the setting for them, you will se that a minor error has been done. They have been ordered the wrong way so that

when you click(on the controller map)               You get to change the values for
Aux 1                                                                Aux 3
Aux 2                                                                Aux 2
Aux 3                                                                Aux 1

Hope this can be fixed.


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