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Author Topic: LFOs 2 & 3 polarity button design  (Read 2145 times)


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LFOs 2 & 3 polarity button design
« on: December 14, 2020, 04:58:22 pm »
I would just like to mention that the polarity buttons on the two extra LFOs on the Advanced panel have an inconsistent design and can be confusing.
You've got Single, Cycle, Retrig and Poly which are grey when off and orange when on. Then there's the polarity button that follows the same design aesthetic, but behaves differently, being a switch that stays grey in either position. ie. it looks like Bipol is off and needs to be clicked to get switched on and go orange, but instead it switches to Unipol (and stays grey).
Nothing major, just a little inconsistency.


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