You're welcome.

For PB I do not use echo/monitor through daw at all, since there is some bug regarding hitting keys on keyboard at the same as midi is streamed to PB. It looses some midi input, and get hung notes. This is acknowledged since long.
So I just monitor audio and record midi, then play back midi only when I don't need to play keys.
I only use din midi, and no VST stuff from Arturia though, if that is different for you.
Just a tip until firmware update again. Internal processing seems to be maximized so some realtime event like midi in looses data if keys are played at the same time. I did test with loopback din midi, and local off setting and just after a few seconds you get hung notes playing two-handed. Midi out is fine though.
Might save you some issues....
About settings, digital Hammonds have a setting for exp.pedal to either receive internally on pedal or only by midi input. Maybe something like that could be useful for PB.