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Author Topic: Can't Organize MIDI Control Center Project Files  (Read 2503 times)


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Can't Organize MIDI Control Center Project Files
« on: May 03, 2022, 08:15:24 pm »
I'm having two issues with the MIDI Control Center and I'm wondering if anyone can help or confirm that these are problems for them as well, (FYI I have a Keystep Pro):

I can't rearrange the order of my project files. They appear to be randomly ordered. I can however change the names of the projects. Is it possible to organize the list my rearranging the project files, or better yet putting them into folders?

Another issue I am having is that the graphic interface for the MIDI Control Center, specifically the drum mapping entry forms, does not fit in my screen and it is not possible to scroll to the right to see the entire set of MIDI drum forms.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!


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