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Author Topic: Mini Portamento control from Keylab MKII  (Read 3626 times)


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Mini Portamento control from Keylab MKII
« on: April 15, 2022, 01:56:33 am »
I have a Keylab 61 MKII and have set up a User profile on the keyboard to map one of the sliders to CC 5 (Portamento time)
and one of the switch/buttons to CC 65 (Portamento On/Off).
I go to the Analog Lab V Mini Macro settings and tell it to learn the Glide/Portamento On/Off for the switch and learn the Glide/Portamento Time
for the slider on the Keylab MKII.

The Mini does not obey changes in the slider or switch at all.  It only obeys the on screen knob and switch.
What am I doing wrong in getting the Keylab controls to control the Mini?


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Re: Mini Portamento control from Keylab MKII
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2022, 06:25:53 pm »

Do you have the full individual Mini V3 application or only Analog Lab V?
I'm not sure what you excactly does.

If i understand you correct, then i think you mix things up.

1. Just because you need those midi CCs, then they does'nt have to control those parameters out of the box.
2. If you mean the Macro learn section in the right sidepanel, then that learn assign parameters to the macro not a midi CC, so the macro can control those parameters.
3. The MIDI learn section allows you to assign a midi CC to control a macro.

If i understand you correct, then you can use your Factory Analog Lab mapping. I see no reason at all to use the Midi CCs you mention in Analog Lab.
You shall just assign Glide/ Portamento and the Switch to the controls that allready have a midi CC assigned.
But your possibilities depend on you have the full individual Mini V3 application or not. What happens when you click "Learn" in the Macro section? Are the parameters you wan't to control available for you? I have the full individual Mini V3 application.


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Re: Mini Portamento control from Keylab MKII
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2022, 12:05:20 am »
Thanks for your reply, but I don't understand exactly what you are telling me.

I have the full Mini V3 application.
In the Midi standard, CC 5 should control the Portamento time and CC 65 should control the Portamento On/Off.
I would have thought that those CCs would have already been mapped to the Mini V3 portamento time and On/Off, but they don't seem to be mapped that way.

On my KeyLab MkII, using the Arturia Midi Control Center, I have made defined one of the switches to be CC65 and one of the sliders to be CC5.
I have verified that the keyboard is sending out those Midi messages.

In the Mini V3 application, Under the gear settings MIDI, MIDI Controller is KeyLab61;  Fader Mode is Scale.

The piece I'm not understanding is how to set the Analog Lab Mini V3 Glide/portamento switch and Glide/portamento time to understand those CCs.
Can you explain how to do that assignment?


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Re: Mini Portamento control from Keylab MKII
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2022, 01:40:57 am »
Those parameters are not mapped by default in Mini V, like you can see in the list in the right side panels Midi section.

As you have the full individual Mini V3 application, then in Mini V3 you can do this.

1. Go to the right sidepanels MIDI section.
2. Click the "Learn" button. Controls light up. Red is controlled with a midi CC, purple is'nt. The parameters you wish to map is purple.
3. Click the "Glide" parameter/ knop. It show up in the list to the right.
4. Move the control on your keyboard that you have been giving the Portamento midi CC untill you see it's assigned.
5. Repeat step 3 and 4 but click the "Glide On" switch instead and use the control you have the midi CC for Protamento on/ off.
6. Save the Midi config. Also export it. Click the Name of the midi config to get a menu.

You can instead assign the Glide time and on/off to Macros in the Macro section of the sidepanel. Then you just use the midi CCs that's assigned to the Macros.
Activating the "Learn" in the Macro section give you similar possibilities as described above.
It's a matter of choice.

But the above does'nt map the parameters for Analog Lab.
In Analog Lab, then  when you have the full Mini V3 application you can do the following, using your normal factory Analog Lab map.

1. Click the name for a Macro on the GUI (Mini V show up),
-  or go to the Macro section in the side panel, and Click the Macro you wish to use, and Click the "Learn" button. (Mini V show up)
2. Assign the parameter.

Or you can:
1. Click the name for other Analog Lab GUI controls. You get a popup menu.
2. Click "Assign" in the popup menu. The Mini V3 GUI shows up.
3. Click the parameter you wish to assign to the active control.

If this does'nt help, then you have to make a step byy step list for what you do, just like i have done.

Many info are available in the applications manuals. Just go to help in the applications main menu to find them.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2022, 01:50:57 am by LBH »


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Re: Mini Portamento control from Keylab MKII
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2022, 02:03:12 am »
Thanks. I finally got it to work.

The first problem was that I was accessing Mini V3 through the Analog Labs V application.
By doing that, the Learn button was NOT present on the MIDI sidebar.
When I open Mini V3 application directly, the Learn button is there.

The glide started to work after I saved the preset.
The other thing that messes up the glide is the "Legato" setting.  I always have to turn that switch off.

So, this raises the question.   How in Analog Labs V when I click "Open Mini", do I get it to run the full Mini V application that has the "Learn" option turned on?
It seems Analog Labs V is opening a different Mini V3 application - or is missing some runtime options when executing the Mini V3 application.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2022, 02:22:27 am by shutack »


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Re: Mini Portamento control from Keylab MKII
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2022, 02:23:44 am »
Your welcome.

Good it works.
Yes- There is a difference using Analog Lab or not.
As i wrote, then the MIDI assignments in Analog Lab is for Analog Lab.
You can get the Learn button by using the Generic controller setting in Analog Lab.

The other thing that messes up the glide is the "Legato" setting.  I always have to turn that switch off.
It does'nt mess up anything. It give you different possibilities on how Glide works. It's a 3 step switch. Experiment with the settings and play legato and not legato notes while using Glide.


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Re: Mini Portamento control from Keylab MKII
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2023, 04:59:09 am »
I find it pretty simple, you just need to assign Glide/Portamento and Switch to the controls already assigned midi CC. I feel fine
slope ball


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