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Author Topic: Continuous MIDI OUT Clock Messages  (Read 1169 times)


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Continuous MIDI OUT Clock Messages
« on: April 04, 2022, 03:02:13 pm »
I've already requested that in the BSP forum,
I think that it's even more important on a complete and versatile machine such as the KSP

why is this useful:
In any hybrid setup, If connected as a master device to effect pedals, other synced machines (I have a big problem with my loopers, rc202-505) or other sequencers, the tempo information can be changed accordingly in real time even if no sequences are playing.
While on CV mode it's logical that there's no clock when the sequencer stops,
MIDI messages ( over midi and usb) just have the MMC that can start, pause or stop the sequences while still sending the clock
Examples (all issued from real life experiences)

1) Say a loop or an effected drone is going on on a looper, or on a DAW.
    You stop all the midi stuff coming from the KSP by hitting stop, and anything that receives clock, just goes crazy:

    - some machines switch into master mode
         - in the best scenario keeping something similar to the old tempo,
         - some switch to a good old 120bpm,
         - of both of these most just won't switch back to slave mode once play will be tapped again,
    - some others just hellogoodbye - stop playing.

2) Say you're recording your performance on a pc or mobile DAW, or on any recorder, and it's connected also via MIDI to your setup. (I was using AUM for example, nothing exotic): you press STOP on the KSP and the recording stops.
Any reverb or delay tails ? gone.
Any generative patterns still playing? gone.
Any audio incoming? gone!
I know that tracks could be just muted, but the button is little and it's messy to do it precisely on four of them at a time. It's so much flexible just to have this simple function (even as an option) !

Need memory?
ERASE VEGAS MODE. (Yes, I do like it, but keep it essential please)
« Last Edit: April 04, 2022, 03:08:52 pm by redon »


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Re: Continuous MIDI OUT Clock Messages
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2022, 08:30:16 am »


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