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Author Topic: Pitch Strip on Behringer D  (Read 1374 times)


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Pitch Strip on Behringer D
« on: March 27, 2022, 08:18:01 pm »
Hello there,

I'm Roberto and I'm new to these parts.

I am writing to you because I have a problem related to the Keystep 37 CV Pitch connected to the Osc v/oct input of a Behringer D.
Basically I can't adjust the pitch to go down a tone (or whatever). I can command a upper pitch but not a down pitch.
I thought that the problem was related to the setting of the 0V midi note for the two machines but setting both for example to C0 I get that the D plays several octaves above (about 5). If at this point I drop an octave with oct- of the Keystep I no longer have the diatonic intonations. Ah! i'm working in Volt for octave. In practice in this situation, C0 for both machines as 0v midi note, I go for lower minor thirds with each tone ... in this situation I can use the pitch also when going down.
I think it's normal under certain conditions but I don't understand why now.
To solve I am forced to keep the Behringer in C0 and in C6 or above the Keystep.
In this way I sound chromatically correct and therefore I have an apparently good control but I lose the use of pitch strep going down.
Is it normal work if I use the connection through the Pitch CV port?
I also tell you the other settings I use on Arturia's midi control center
Pitchs CV output: Volts per oct
0V CV: C8
Note priority: last
Mode Cv Source: Mod wheel
Mode Cv Max: 5v (I also tried other options)
Pitch bend range: 2 st
Gate CV: V-trig 5v

Can you help me?

Thank you in advance.

All the best,


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Re: Pitch Strip on Behringer D
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2022, 07:43:06 am »
Hi Roberto,

I have an MKII and a Behringer D - here's how I connect CV to the Model D:

Connect "Pitch Out" ("PITCH" on the Keystep 37) on the MKII to "OSC1 V/OCT" on the Model D
Connect "Gate Out" ("GATE" on the Keystep 37) on the MKII to both "FC GATE" and "LC GATE" on the Model D using a splitter

I have 0V set to C0 on the MKII, plus a Komplete 49 connected to the USB input of the Model D.

For me, I can raise and lower the octaves on the Model D and the intonation is mostly correct (there's a slight voltage drift on my unit, but that's a different story), but  - and this is a big but - if I want to access the 'correct' octave range, I have to press a key on the Komplete 49 to provide the Model D with a 'set point'.

For example, like you, I'll turn on the Model D on and play using the MKII CV and it's approximately 5 octaves above C0, but if I press the octave down switch three times on my Komplete 49 and MKII, then press a low C on the Komplete 49, the Model D will truly start at C0. Your intonation is disappearing (I think) since you're at 0V already and can't go any lower - I think you need to tell the Model D to start at a different range using another controller or your computer (via USB to the Model D). From there, you can access your 'usual' range.

Please let me know if this makes sense.


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